RFR JDK-8154487: java.httpclient/sun.net.httpclient.hpack.DecoderTest failing on Windows

Pavel Rappo pavel.rappo at oracle.com
Tue Apr 19 09:15:07 UTC 2016


Could you please review my change for JDK-8154487?


This shows up only on Windows machines where EOL is '\r\n' rather than '\n'.

I used '\n' as a line separator in expected table state strings in the tests
(e.g. [1]). At the same time actual strings were constructed with
String.format("%n") [2]. This is the cause of the failure.

Since lines in the tests are not supposed to be printed out or observed by human
while testing, I think fixing construction of actual strings is cleaner than
fixing each an every '\n' in the tests.


[1] http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk9/dev/jdk/rev/4eff3bde0dc3#l24.52
[2] http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk9/dev/jdk/rev/4eff3bde0dc3#l6.275

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