OT? reactive streams

Simon Roberts simon at dancingcloudservices.com
Wed May 16 21:02:04 UTC 2018

Hi, apologies for the rather off topic inquiry, but I'm trying to find out
more about the reactive streams features that are used inside the new
httpClient. I tried to subscribe to what I think is the appropriate list
but appeared to hit a "bug in mailman" (three times, so not, apparently,

I'm hoping to discover if there are samples, examples, whatever for the
streams features (I was successful in implementing a crude BodyHandler /
BodySubscriber, so the basics make sense.

In particular, this feels like there might be Processors that perform
map/flatmap/filter operations, prebuilt for ease of use

Also, it feels like there might be examples or tools imteracting with GUI
comonents, or perhaps performing infinite series math, like sieve of
Erastothanes (sp!?) or the Pi approximation series.

Can anyone tell me if they know of any such resources for


Simon Roberts
(303) 249 3613
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