EOF excption in HTTP 1.1 server interaction

Daniel Fuchs daniel.fuchs at oracle.com
Wed May 16 21:20:25 UTC 2018

Hi Simon,

I don't want to speculate, but the line termination for headers
are supposed to be \r\n (CRLF) and the headers should be terminated
by a 'blank' line (containing only \r\n).

If the server isn't sending any CRLF, then the client might still
be trying to reach the end of the headers block when the server
closes the connection - that is, the client might still be
accumulating the bytes while looking for the first CRLF.
So it would get the EOF while still trying to parse the headers.

We will know more after we try it out :-)

best regards,

-- daniel

On 16/05/18 17:24, Simon Roberts wrote:
> Notes, as a result of the discussion, I deliberately added code, at line 
> 56 of server.js, to try to ensure that it's sending \r\n. This code 
> isn't "normal" in node, but I believe it's irrelevant anyway, as I've 
> already shown that httpClient is failing before it ever processes the 
> body (perhaps the headers aren't being sent with \r\n!?)

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