Bug in Files.copy() where the source Path is a directory... It _is_ a bug, right?

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Thu Dec 11 07:49:09 UTC 2014

On 10/12/2014 22:06, Francis Galiegue wrote:
> :
> As to other existing java.nio.file FileSystem implmentations, I only
> know of two:
> * https://github.com/google/jimfs --> an in-memory FileSystem, by Google;
> * https://github.com/fge/java7-fs-ftp --> meh, that was my first
> attempt as a custom FileSystem and prompted me to create -base and
> others; not yet rebased on -base.
I don't know if anyone is maintaining a catalog anywhere, we usually 
only hear about custom providers when folks show up here with questions 
or bug reports.

A quick search finds a number of providers, one for Amazon S3 (that I 
wasn't aware of), ssh, CIFS, and one for ZIP and several other archive 
formats. I don't know how complete they are of course.

In the JDK then we've included the zip provider since JDK 7 and a new 
one in JDK 9 is the "jrt" file system that is a read-only file system to 
access the class and resources files in a runtime image (this is what 
javac and other tools in the JDK now use).

In general then creating file system providers has been somewhat of a 
niche (but fun) area. It would be good to do a survey of what exists, 
create a catalog and see if there are opportunities to collaborate.


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