Announce: JSR 202 resources, call for contributions/help

Francis Galiegue fgaliegue at
Wed Dec 17 10:43:09 UTC 2014


On Wed, Dec 17, 2014 at 10:04 AM, Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at> wrote:
>> And I also have this:; its goal is to
>> provide path resolution methods, recursive copy/deletion methods etc,
>> making it even easier to use the new API.
> I get a 404 for this link

Sorry for that... That would be

Since I am also working on implementing filesystems at the same time
this one sees slow progress for now; but basically the plan for
deletion is to have two modes: fail fast or "try hard". The first
would fail when removing an entry fails, the second would do like rm
-rf, basically, and try and remove as much as it can -- and provide
the user with a report of what has failed and why.

> but I would be interested in your experiences or
> feedback you get on these. We've prototyped providing recursive versions of
> the common operations several times but never came to a conclusion on the
> best way to deal with errors (too many approaches).
> If you are interested then the samples that ship with the JDK include
> several that do recursive operations. In sample/nio/file/ then
> you'll find a tool that is roughly cp [-R -p -i]. Another one is
> that is roughly chmod [-R]. In both cases then the error handling roughly
> matches the equivalent command line tool.

I will! Thank you for the pointers,
Francis Galiegue, fgaliegue at,
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