normalization changes in APFS

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Wed Mar 29 07:47:03 UTC 2017

On 26/03/2017 11:44, Philippe Marschall wrote:

> Hello
> In APFS, likely shipping with macOS 10.13, file names are not longer
> stored in nfd [1]. The behaviour now seems very similar to Linux. That
> means it's possible to have different two files names in the same
> folder that normalize to the same name.
> AFAIK currently nfd->nfc conversion happens in the Java NIO file
> system layer (JDK-7130915). It may make sense to revisit that.
>   [1]
Thanks for the note on this. I read several articles about the changes 
in iOS 10.3 but if macOS also moves then the JDK will need to deal with it.


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