8223353: (ch) Change channel close implementation to not wait for I/O threads

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Mon May 6 12:05:31 UTC 2019

On 06/05/2019 10:57, Florian Weimer wrote:
> :
> What about resource consumption?
> I think without #3, an application will have to synchronize with the
> threads performing I/O on the channel being closed before it can safely
> create a new channel, to ensure that the actual close (and resource
> deallocation) happens before the creation of the new channel.
> Based on your description of the current behavior, it should be possible
> to create a new channel immediately after closing the old one because
> the close call only returns after the scarce resource (the file
> descriptor) has been deallocated.  I'm pretty sure this predictable
> behavior would be lost.
The socket/connection is closed at step #1, it's only the final release 
of the file descriptor (connected to one of a pipe) that is delayed.


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