JDK-8259873: (fs) Add java.nio.file.attribute.BasicWithKeyFileAttributeView interface

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Sun Jan 31 11:21:56 UTC 2021

On 19/01/2021 22:36, Renaud Paquay wrote:
> :
> PR 2122
> =======
> PR 2122 is an "in place" (i.e. no behavior or public API change) 
> implementation change in WindowsDirectoryStream: Instead of using 
> FindFirstFile 
> <https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/fileapi/nf-fileapi-findfirstfilew>,FindNextFile 
> <https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/fileapi/nf-fileapi-findnextfilew>, 
> the new implementation uses NtQueryDirectoryFile 
> <https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/ddi/ntifs/nf-ntifs-ntquerydirectoryfile>, 
> which is more efficient at enumerating directory entries and allows 
> acquiring file keys for "free" with each entry.
I've looked through the changes in pull/2122.

This changes the implementation from using 
FindFirst/FindNextFile/FindClose to low-level DDK functions. These seem 
to be documented so moving to these functions may be okay. It would be 
useful to get some performance data with just this change if possible. 
Also it would be useful to get confirmation that there aren't any issues 
with using UNCs or mounted volumes as we've had interop problems in the 
past with SAMBA and some CIFS servers.

Adding ntifs_min.h is probably okay but would be useful to know if 
ntifs.h is the DDK only, are there are any VC++ or SDK releases that 
have this include file? We'll probably need to put the constants into 
WindowsConstants so they can be used by WindowsDirectoryStream.

There will be cleanup needed to get the patch consistent with the 
existing code. One issue is that the native functions that 
WindowsNativeDispatcher defines should map, where possible, to call on 
win32 function. This means that OpenNtQueryDirectoryInformation needs to 
be split up so that WindowsDirectoryStream calls CreateFile and then 
NtQueryDirectoryInformation with the file handle. It should be okay for 
WindowsDirectoryStream to work with NTSTATUS codes and then call 
RtlNtStatusToDosError to translate to system errors when required.

Adding fromFieldIdFullDirInformation to WindowsFileAttributes is okay 
although supplementing it with the volume serial number is a bit odd. 
The other other methods (getFileNameFromFieldIdFullDirInformation and 
getNextOffsetFromFieldIdDirInformation) are nothing to do with 
WindowsFileAttributes so shouldn't be there. WindowsDirectoryStream may 
be a better place to operation on FieldIdFullDirInformation structure or 
else introduces a new class to encapsulate an instance. This will a lot 
cleaner in the future when we have Panama.

It would also be good if you could try to keep the style, naming, and 
line lengths consistent if you can. Some of the really long 140+ 
character lines will make future reviewing of side-by-side diffs hard to 

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