Question ad running the "systemTests" module tests ...

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at
Wed Feb 19 19:44:51 UTC 2020

First, make sure that your test class name ends with exactly the string 

As I think you noticed, the systemTests project is only run if the 
`FULL_TEST` property is set to `true`, like this:

gradle -PFULL_TEST=true test

If you just want to run the system tests:

gradle -PFULL_TEST=true :systemTests:test

If you want to limit it to a single test:

gradle -PFULL_TEST=true :systemTests:test --tests NameOfMyTest

-- Kevin

On 2/19/2020 11:25 AM, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
> "build.gradle" contains the project ":systemTests" which defines tests that each run on a separate
> JVM and use their own Assert methods defined in respective They signal success according
> to the values defined in "".
> The module test "testapp7" that I wrote mimickries the existing "testapp6" module in its layout.
> "testapp7" has been successfully added to the list of test modules and got compiled successfully,
> such that it is possible to run the "testapp7" module from the command line and it behaves as
> expected given the data and assertions carried out.
> However, when running "./gradlew systemTests test" that module test "testapp7" does not get executed
> (and perhaps none of the other module tests) it seems, although "FULL_TEST" was set to "true" in
> "build.gradle" such that the module tests should get "enabled" therefore.
> Is there something else to take into account or is there some other task that I need to use?
> Any help, pointer highly appreciated!
> ---rony

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