latest sync up with upstream jdk/jdk

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at
Tue Aug 28 12:56:55 UTC 2018

I've just performed a manual merge of the following branches:

1) linkToNative
2) vectorSnippets
3) vectorIntrinsics

The merge was quite tricky; both (1) and (2) had an issue with some 
changes in the way javaClasses.hpp/cpp calls methods such as 
compute_offset on the defined java classes. Moreover, the new code 
requires each such CPP class modelling a java class to have a 
serialize_offset method - I've added such methods, but left the body 
empty (see 'Todo: CDS' items).

As for (3) macroAssembler_x86 underwent some major surgery - I'm not 
100% that the implementation of the following methods:

void MacroAssembler::evpcmpeqd
void MacroAssembler::evpcmpd
void MacroAssembler::evpcmpq
void MacroAssembler::evpcmpb
void MacroAssembler::evpcmpw

is still needed/relevant.

I've tried some basic tests before pushing and everything looks good, 
but the branch owners should probably sanity check the merge changes.


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