VectorAPI Scatter Gather Intrinsic Support

Rukmannagari, Shravya shravya.rukmannagari at
Tue Dec 4 05:06:48 UTC 2018

Hi Vladimir,
Please find the comments below and a modified patch with the changes suggested:

>While looking through the implementation, I couldn't find a compelling reason for the current API representation (indices as an >array):
>    void intoArray($type$[] a, int ix, int[] b, int iy)
>and not as a vector:
>   void intoArray($type$[] a, int ix, Vector<Integer,S> vecInd)
>The latter form looks much more flexible and generic.
>Can anybody remind me what was the motivation for such particular shape?
>Sub-word types (byte, short)? Is it still relevant considering the patch removes relevant declarations from ByteVector/ShortVector?
This is a factory method and all the currently implemented intrinsics take array as the input, which is more generic to the user than a vector. Also, this was a use case provided by Adam Pocock and we therefore decided to go with the current implementation. 

>Regarding implementation:
>+#ifdef _LP64
>Why don't you put the changes in then? file does not have few registers and variables defined. For instance vecZ is undefined.


>+        if (VectorIntrinsics.VECTOR_ACCESS_OOB_CHECK != 0 && iy >= 
>b.length) {
>+          throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Range check failed: 
>Index Map length is"
>+            + b.length + " and offset is " + iy);
>+        }
>The check is erroneous - doesn't take vector width into accoudn. But 
>it's redundant anyway. Subsequent loads perform OOB checks.
Done, please find the changes in the latest patch

>+        if (VectorIntrinsics.VECTOR_ACCESS_OOB_CHECK != 0) {
>+            // In order to do range check for gather, we need to check 
>that each index is less than length.
>+            IntVector<Vector.Shape> arrLen = intSpec.broadcast(a.length);
>+            if (vecInd.lessThan( || 
>arrLen.sub(vecInd).lessThanEq( {
>+                throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Range check 
>failed: Array length is " + a.length +
>+                                                         ". One of 
>indices in vector was out of bounds: " + vecInd.toString());
>+            }
>+        }
>I suggest to factor it as a vector OOB check and move it to scalar 
>variant (checkIndex()) into VectorIntrinsics.
Done, please find the changes in the latest patch

Otherwise, looks good!

Best regards,
Vladimir Ivanov

+        IntVector<Vector.Shape> vecInd = intSpec.broadcast(b[iy]);
+        IntVector<Vector.Shape> vecInd = intSpec.fromArray(b, iy);

On 30/11/2018 18:19, Rukmannagari, Shravya wrote:
> Hi All,
> I would like to contribute a patch that adds scatter and gather support in Java for int, float, long and double datatypes.
> Could you please review the patch here:
> Thanks,
> Shravya.

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