[foreign] RFR 8218772: Limit struct member pointers to size of the field

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com
Thu Feb 14 15:18:09 UTC 2019

Why not using the Array.assign API point, which already performs all 
these checks?


On 14/02/2019 14:31, Jorn Vernee wrote:
> Okay, I have implemented the check in References.OfArray::set.
> Updated webrev: 
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jvernee/panama/webrevs/8218772/webrev.01/
> I was also tinkering a long time with simplifying the original code, 
> but kept running into issues with bounds checks in MemoryBoundInfo. 
> The current bounds checking code isn't really suited for dealing with 
> 0 length range checks.
> Jorn
> Jorn Vernee schreef op 2019-02-13 19:49:
>> Jorn Vernee schreef op 2019-02-13 19:44:
>>> Henry Jen schreef op 2019-02-13 19:19:
>>>> On Feb 13, 2019, at 9:42 AM, Jorn Vernee <jbvernee at xs4all.nl> wrote:
>>>>> I don't think this bug is just a symptom of the bulk copy of 
>>>>> Arrays. Note that you can also cause an overwrite when you have a 
>>>>> struct with 2 ints, take a pointer to the first one, cast it to a 
>>>>> long pointer, and write to it.
>>>> This is perfectly OK. The working theory is that as long as you
>>>> operated in the allocated memory region, you should be able to cast as
>>>> needed.
>>>> In you array case earlier, that’s not OK as the type of array has a
>>>> length, so I would expect an exception. But if you cast the pointer to
>>>> an Array of 3, then it should be able to overwrite the int. After all,
>>>> [2i32]i32 and [3i32] and i32i32i32 are the same size of memory block.
>>> The problem is that there is no way to know the size of the target
>>> array type once we're in References.OfArray::set, since the target
>>> pointer might not actually have that type. The earliest location where
>>> we do know this size is in RuntimeSupport, when retrieving the pointer
>>> to the field.
>> Actually, maybe we do know the type... I'm wondering about use of
>> unsafe set operations in boxing code. I will just try it out and see.
>> Jorn
>>> Jorn
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Henry
>>>>> It simply seems incorrect to me that a pointer to a struct's field 
>>>>> provides access outside of that field's memory.
>>>>> ---
>>>>> FWIW, I think the Array abstraction is a useful one. It signals 
>>>>> the difference between having a chunk of memory (Array) vs. having 
>>>>> just a cursor into memory (Pointer), and as such, I think it's 
>>>>> fine to say that writing an Array constitutes a copy of the array 
>>>>> vs. just a copy of the pointer. If a bulk-copy is not wanted, 
>>>>> users can use the elementPointer() instead (same with Struct::ptr).
>>>>> The native types do not map perfectly into Java types, so there 
>>>>> are some things that have to be learned when using the API. I 
>>>>> think the pitfall here is the assumption that, since in C an array 
>>>>> is just a pointer in a lot of cases, and setting a pointer does 
>>>>> not incur a copy, the Array type in Java must also really be just 
>>>>> a Pointer, and setting it should not incur a copy. But in the API 
>>>>> we have 2 distinct types, Pointer and Array, so I don't think it's 
>>>>> unreasonable to say that those 2 will behave differently.
>>>>> Jorn
>>>>> Maurizio Cimadamore schreef op 2019-02-13 17:57:
>>>>>> Hi Jorn,
>>>>>> I was looking at something very related to this - e.g. relationship
>>>>>> between pointers and arrays, and, in general bulk-write 
>>>>>> operations for
>>>>>> structs and arrays (with Pointer::set) and I thought I might add
>>>>>> something to this discussion, to see if the issues that you are
>>>>>> running into are just bugs, or symptoms of something deeper.
>>>>>> Over the last few weeks I've been toying with the idea of merging
>>>>>> Array and Pointers - after all a BoundedPointer is expressive enough
>>>>>> to represent both. We could e.g. setup an approach like the one 
>>>>>> below:
>>>>>> - Pointer has array-like accessors Pointer::get(long), 
>>>>>> Pointer::set(long, X)
>>>>>> - regular accessor defaults to zero offset - that is, Pointer::get()
>>>>>> -> Pointer::get(0)
>>>>>> - jextract does NOT generate setters for array struct fields, or 
>>>>>> array
>>>>>> global variables - only getters
>>>>>> - an API is provided (well, one exists already) to do bulk copy
>>>>>> between different arrays/structs
>>>>>> While I like the unification this brings about (only one abstraction
>>>>>> instead of two, Pointer and Array), and I also like the fact that we
>>>>>> move towards a model where Pointer::get, Pointer::set are O(1)
>>>>>> operations (with bulk operations left to higher level APIs), 
>>>>>> there is
>>>>>> something that doesn't 100% convinces me: if we go down this 
>>>>>> path, the
>>>>>> following layouts:
>>>>>> u64:u64:i32 (pointer to pointer to int)
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> u64:[5 i32] (pointer to array of int)
>>>>>> will effectively have the same carrier type:
>>>>>> Pointer<Pointer<Integer>>
>>>>>> The difference will be visible only upon closer inspection: we could
>>>>>> call Pointer::type() obtain a LayoutType, then do 
>>>>>> LayoutType::layout()
>>>>>> and see whether the pointee layout is a sequence or an address.
>>>>>> Now, when we perform a get() on such a pointer, we can, given the
>>>>>> layout, construct the right pointer with the right size info (if 
>>>>>> any).
>>>>>> But what about set() ? I see different options here, none of which
>>>>>> seems particularly satisfying:
>>>>>> 1) Pointer::set should throw if you are trying to set an array-like
>>>>>> pointer (which would require bulk copy)
>>>>>> 2) Pointer::set will silently perform bulk copy of the incoming
>>>>>> pointer into the pointed region
>>>>>> Of these, (2) is similar to what we have now, whereas (1) would be a
>>>>>> stricter variant.
>>>>>> The thing that puzzles me is that, looking at the code it will be
>>>>>> absolutely impossible to understand what's going on - e.g. if native
>>>>>> arrays and native pointers map to the same Java carrier (Pointer) it
>>>>>> then becomes super hard to explain/understand/predict why a given
>>>>>> operation (e.g. Pointer::set) resulted in bulk copy/exception.
>>>>>> One of the principles I've been trying to adhere to when 
>>>>>> designing the
>>>>>> foreign API is to avoid surprises - e.g. the semantics of a given
>>>>>> operation should be clear from the carrier types involved in the
>>>>>> operation. In that respect, maybe a pointer with an optional 
>>>>>> length()
>>>>>> is tolerable, but having Pointer::set behaving differently depending
>>>>>> on the result of Pointer::type() is that acceptable or too subtle?
>>>>>> This seems to suggest that the current Pointer vs. Array split 
>>>>>> carries
>>>>>> some weight. If carrier type are different then it's easy to see for
>>>>>> the user which operation might or might not be supported (or might
>>>>>> have bulk-logic).
>>>>>> <sidebar>
>>>>>> On the other hand, one might argue that this is already happening 
>>>>>> with
>>>>>> pointers to incomplete objects - if I have a Pointer<?> and I call
>>>>>> get() I don't know if I'll get an exception or not. It again depends
>>>>>> on whether the layout complete or not - e.g. if it's the void layout
>>>>>> or, if it's partial layout (because it refers to an unresolved 
>>>>>> struct)
>>>>>> an exception will be thrown.
>>>>>> </sidebar>
>>>>>> If we do retain Pointer vs. Array then I think we are free to decide
>>>>>> whether for Pointer::set we want (1) or (2) - that is, when we have
>>>>>> Pointer<Array<Integer>>
>>>>>> or
>>>>>> Pointer<StructFoo>
>>>>>> should Pointer::set do bulk copy, or should it throw? If the latter,
>>>>>> should jextract even emit setters for struct fields of type
>>>>>> array/struct? (or, perhaps, emulate such setters by performing
>>>>>> explicit copy, rather than by using Pointer::set internally).
>>>>>> These are all questions that are relevant, I believe, to the fix you
>>>>>> brought up - I'm of course fine with the fix, but I'd like to also
>>>>>> understand whether the bulk-copy on Pointer::set is one magic trick
>>>>>> too far and also, more generally, what do Panama-land feels about 
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> Array vs. Pointer split/lump.
>>>>>> Feedback welcome.
>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>> Maurizio
>>>>>> On 13/02/2019 15:47, Jorn Vernee wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> I found a bug where it was possible to overwrite trailing fields 
>>>>>>> of a struct by writing an oversized array to a previous array 
>>>>>>> field (see bug). Overwriting is also possible in other cases by 
>>>>>>> forcing an oversized write to a struct field. This can be fixed 
>>>>>>> (relatively easily) by limiting the size of memory regions of 
>>>>>>> pointers to struct members to the size of their fields.
>>>>>>> Please review the following.
>>>>>>> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8218772
>>>>>>> Webrev: 
>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jvernee/panama/webrevs/8218772/webrev.00/ 
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Jorn

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