Panama unresolved error when instantiating wayland struct...

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at
Fri Feb 15 13:53:08 UTC 2019

This looks good - I would stick with LayoutType.ofStruct().layout() 
since that will apply all necessary resolution - otherwise the method 
will end up calling bitsSize on unresolved


On 15/02/2019 13:35, Jorn Vernee wrote:
> FWIW, here is a quick prototype that you could use as a utility method 
> until then:
>     public static long offsetOf(Class<? extends Struct<?>> cls, String 
> fieldName) {
>         Group g = (Group) 
> Layout.of(cls.getAnnotation(NativeStruct.class).value());
>         long offset = 0;
>         for(Layout l : g.elements()) {
>             Optional<String> name =;
>             if(name.isPresent() && name.get().equals(fieldName)) {
>                 return offset / 8; // convert to bytes
>             }
>             offset += l.bitsSize();
>         }
>         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a valid field name: " 
> + fieldName);
>     }
> Cheers,
> Jorn
> Mark Hammons schreef op 2019-02-15 14:25:
>> That would help a ton! I was searching like crazy in LayoutType and
>> Layout for this kind of functionality!
>> On 15/02/2019 14:18, Jorn Vernee wrote:
>>> Response inline...
>>> Mark Hammons schreef op 2019-02-15 13:34:
>>>> It’s not a problem. I started this project aware that foreign is still
>>>> in heavy development. I’m actually impressed it works as well as it
>>>> does, and I’ve made more progress using foreign to bind to wayland
>>>> than I did with JNR. Foreign is shaping up to be very good and I hope
>>>> that I can finish my program (implementing the wayland mcwayface
>>>> beginner’s window manager in scala) and have a semi-real world example
>>>> of using it to make a program.
>>>> Two last questions while I have your attention:
>>>> When I allocate a struct using the naive scope, can I control when
>>>> it’s freed? Do I just use the c free method on the pointer?
>>>> Also, wayland loves the concept of doubly linked lists that use the
>>>> list nodes as pointers to elements within structs. In the wl_listener
>>>> struct I showed, there is a link member of wl_list. A pointer to that
>>>> member is what is inserted into the list with wl_list_insert. When it
>>>> comes time to traverse the list I take the list node pointer, declare
>>>> I think it’s part of wl_listener, find the offset from the link member
>>>> pointer of a wl_listener and a pointer to a wl_listener itself, and
>>>> apply that offset to the link. Below is the implementation of this in
>>>> scala:
>>>>   type HellType[T] = {
>>>>     def ptr(): Pointer[T]
>>>>     def link$ptr(): Pointer[wl_list]
>>>>   }
>>>>   def extractFrom[T <: Struct[T] with HellType[T]](listItem: wl_list,
>>>> clazz: Class[T]) = {
>>>>     val ev = s.allocateStruct(clazz)
>>>>     val offset = ev.ptr.addr() -$ptr().addr()
>>>> listItem.ptr().cast(NativeTypes.VOID).cast(NativeTypes.INT8).offset(offset).cast(NativeTypes.VOID).cast(LayoutType.ofStruct(clazz)) 
>>>>   }
>>>> Where HellType[T] is a structural type that is a supertype of anything
>>>> that has a Pointer<T> ptr() method and a Pointer<wl_list> link$ptr().
>>>> Is this the appropriate way to do this with foreign?
>>> Yes, this looks good to me.
>>> It looks like we need to add some sort of static offsetOf utility 
>>> API so that you don't have to allocate a struct to find the offset 
>>> of a field. Maybe something like (Java):
>>>     public static <T extends Struct<T>> long offsetOf(Class<T> 
>>> structClass, String fieldName) {
>>>         ...
>>>     }
>>> Would that help?
>>>> It seems to work
>>>> for me (and when I intentionally botch the offset, I get an error as
>>>> expected), but I've only used it with things I've allocated via the
>>>> scope and I've not tested using this with wl_list nodes that have been
>>>> allocated by C.
>>> That should behave exactly the same, unless the C code maintains a 
>>> different layout (ABI) then is standard. jextract derives the layout 
>>> from the C ABI of the platform it runs on.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Jorn
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Mark
>>>> On 2/15/19 11:22 AM, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
>>>>> On 15/02/2019 01:33, Mark Hammons wrote:
>>>>>> I was wrong in my previous email. The issue is still fixed for 
>>>>>> me, but the fix was not because of a change in jextract usage, 
>>>>>> but rather the inclusion of this in my code:
>>>>>>   val lib = Libraries.bind(MethodHandles.lookup, 
>>>>>> classOf[wayland.wayland_server_core])
>>>>> I was just about to suggest doing that (I came upon the same trick 
>>>>> overnight) - but I wanted to try with your specific case first!
>>>>> I'm super happy that this trick works for you.
>>>>> Binding the library gives a couple of kicks to the resolution 
>>>>> logic, so that it performs as it should.
>>>>> In other words, in the current state, if you want to allocate a 
>>>>> struct defined in some library, it's always better to bind the 
>>>>> whole library first (even if one doesn't plan to use it).
>>>>> I'll add this workaround to the JBS entry.
>>>>> Thanks again for the report - and, yes, we'll fix this in the next 
>>>>> EA, as this is very frustrating/confusing (sorry!).
>>>>> Maurizio
>>>>>> I never use lib, but if I remove that line the allocation of 
>>>>>> wl_listener starts failing again.
>>>>>> Mark
>>>>>> On 2/15/19 2:14 AM, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
>>>>>>> Thanks Jorn - clever approach; I'll give this some though to 
>>>>>>> make sure it covers all the bases.
>>>>>>> Maurizio
>>>>>>> On 15/02/2019 01:06, Jorn Vernee wrote:
>>>>>>>> FWIW, I've previously used the following fix to work around a 
>>>>>>>> similar issue (also involving a linked lists).
>>>>>>>> (Rough) Webrev: 
>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>> Jorn
>>>>>>>> Maurizio Cimadamore schreef op 2019-02-15 01:14:
>>>>>>>>> Here's the bug reference I've created:
>>>>>>>>> unfortunately, I tried allocating the structs in different 
>>>>>>>>> order and
>>>>>>>>> the problem cannot be resolved at the client side.
>>>>>>>>> Maurizio
>>>>>>>>> On 15/02/2019 00:06, Mark Hammons wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I previously allocated a wl_list in my code. I'm still new to 
>>>>>>>>>> the foreign interfaces, so I'm not aware if there's a way to 
>>>>>>>>>> allocate the wl_listener using a pre-allocated wl_list.
>>>>>>>>>> Mark
>>>>>>>>>> On 2/15/19 12:49 AM, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> On 14/02/2019 23:38, Mark Hammons wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Maurizio,
>>>>>>>>>>>> No, wl_list is defined in wayland_utils.h while wl_listener 
>>>>>>>>>>>> is in wayland_server_core.h. I am currently looking through 
>>>>>>>>>>>> the issues on the openjdk tracker and seeing if there's a 
>>>>>>>>>>>> mitigation for this.
>>>>>>>>>>> Right - you beat me to this:
>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>> Unfortunately this issue is not easy to workaround. I'll 
>>>>>>>>>>> make sure to create a JBS entry for it (we do have one, but 
>>>>>>>>>>> it's probably not visible outside).
>>>>>>>>>>> I'll also try to play with this a bit to see what can be 
>>>>>>>>>>> done - with this issue sometimes it helps to allocate the 
>>>>>>>>>>> inner struct first (e.g. wl_list), and then the one that 
>>>>>>>>>>> depends on it (e.g. wl_listener).
>>>>>>>>>>> Maurizio
>>>>>>>>>>>> ~Mark
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 2/15/19 12:30 AM, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Mark,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> thanks for the report - from the looks of it, it seems an 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> issue with cross-header layout resolution, which is listed 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> in the 'known issues' in the EA page:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Dynamic layout resolution doesn't work across multiple 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> headers."
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I will check in more details tomorrow, and confirm, one 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> way or another.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Quick check: are wl_list and wl_listener defined in the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> same header file? If not that's likely the issue here.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think Pointer<?> is the correct type - jextract tries to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> insert as more general types as possible when inserting 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pointer in argument position; if it generated 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pointer<Void>, and that was an ordinary function call, you 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> could only call it with another Pointer<Void> - if the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> argument type is Pointer<?> you can pass _any_ pointer - 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> e.g. Pointer<Byte>, Pointer<Integer> which is kind of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> close to what you can do in C.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Maurizio
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 14/02/2019 22:23, Mark Hammons wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I decided to try to take the dive on project panama, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> starting with making a binding to linux's wayland server. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I used the following command: ~/bin/jdk-13/bin/jextract 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /usr/include/wayland/wayland-server-core.h 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /usr/include/wayland/wayland-server.h 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /usr/include/wayland/wayland-util.h 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /usr/include/wayland/wayland-version.h 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /usr/include/wayland/wayland-server-protocol.h -I 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /usr/include/wayland -L /usr/lib64/ --record-library-path 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -l wayland-server -t wayland -o wayland_server.jar
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> When I try to allocate a wl_listener struct, I get the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> following error:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [error] Exception in thread "main" 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: bitsSize on 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Unresolved
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [error]     at 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> java.base/java.foreign.layout.Unresolved.bitsSize( 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [error]     at 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> java.base/$5$1.accept(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [error]     at 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> java.base/java.util.Spliterators$ArraySpliterator.forEachRemaining(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [error]     at 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> java.base/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [error]     at 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> java.base/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [error]     at 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> java.base/$ReduceOp.evaluateSequential(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [error]     at 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> java.base/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [error]     at 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> java.base/ 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [error]     at 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> java.base/ 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [error]     at 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> java.base/java.foreign.layout.Group.bitsSize(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [error]     at 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> java.base/java.foreign.memory.LayoutType.bytesSize( 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [error]     at 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> java.base/jdk.internal.foreign.ScopeImpl.allocateInternal(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [error]     at 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> java.base/jdk.internal.foreign.ScopeImpl.allocate( 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [error]     at 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> java.base/jdk.internal.foreign.ScopeImpl.allocateStruct(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [error]     at 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TestApp$.delayedEndpoint$TestApp$1(TestApp.scala:22)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [error]     at 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TestApp$delayedInit$body.apply(TestApp.scala:13)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [error]     at 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scala.Function0.apply$mcV$sp(Function0.scala:39)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [error]     at 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scala.Function0.apply$mcV$sp$(Function0.scala:39)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [error]     at 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scala.runtime.AbstractFunction0.apply$mcV$sp(AbstractFunction0.scala:17) 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [error]     at 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scala.App.$anonfun$main$1$adapted(App.scala:80)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [error]     at 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scala.collection.immutable.List.foreach(List.scala:392)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [error]     at scala.App.main(App.scala:80)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [error]     at scala.App.main$(App.scala:78)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [error]     at TestApp$.main(TestApp.scala:13)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [error]     at TestApp.main(TestApp.scala)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Looking at other bugs involving this kind of error 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> message, it appears that unresolved is a type for when 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there's not enough layout information? In any case, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> here's the struct in question:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> struct wl_listener {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         struct wl_list link;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         wl_notify_func_t notify;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> };
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and the definition of the elements:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> typedef void (*wl_notify_func_t)(struct wl_listener 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *listener, void *data);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> struct wl_list {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         /** Previous list element */
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         struct wl_list *prev;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         /** Next list element */
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         struct wl_list *next;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> };
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm fairly certain the issue lies with the function 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pointer notify. When I looked at the decompiled source, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wl_notify_func_t is defined as:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     @FunctionalInterface
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @NativeCallback("(u64:${wl_listener}u64:v)v")
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     public interface FI5 {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         void fn(Pointer<wayland_server_core.wl_listener> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> var1, Pointer<?> var2);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which seems suspicious to me. var2 should be a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pointer<Void> I would think. It's a type I see elsewhere 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in the source for this file, so it seems suspect that 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> var2 is a Pointer<?>.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Is this a bug? Am I just using jextract wrong?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for your help,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mark Hammons

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