Null Callbacks

Mark Hammons mark.hammons at
Sun Feb 17 00:07:39 UTC 2019

If it's going to be fixed early next week, I'll probably put my project 
on hold till then. I don't see much point in putting in a manual 
workaround that might not be necessary (and will need to be ripped out) 
in a week or less. I'm going to research some other projects in the 
meantime that may be useful when it comes to this. Thanks for your help 
Jorn and Maurizio,


On 2/16/19 10:46 PM, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
> Sorry to hear about this.
> The problems you mention should be fixed early next week - as Jorn 
> said, there are places where you can get builds from - but I also 
> don't see why we couldn't refresh the binary snapshot. It seems like 
> these issues are common enough that will probably be encountered by 
> other developers too, and it is very hard to workaround them.
> Speaking of workarounds, as Jorn mentioned - the key is having a 
> function in some header which mentions that problematic struct. Maybe 
> there is some other header with a function that takes that struct as 
> an argument, or that returns it? Or, maybe, an hacky workaround would 
> be to create one such header by hand and bind it?
> Maurizio
> On 16/02/2019 15:48, Mark Hammons wrote:
>> I'll keep that in mind Jorn, thanks. I found an alternative 
>> workaround (I found the default function that was being used in place 
>> of the callback if the callback was null, and just turned that into 
>> my callback), but now it seems I'm truly blocked by the issue I 
>> posted about yesterday: Exception in thread "main" 
>> java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: bitsSize on Unresolved.
>> Using jextract on wlroots introduced a lot of new headers, and a lot 
>> of cross-header dependencies. There's a struct defined as:
>> ```
>> @NativeStruct("[${wl_signal}(destroy)${wl_signal}(new_input)${wl_signal}(new_output)](anon$backend_h$444)") 
>>     public interface anon$backend_h$444 extends 
>> Struct<backend.anon$backend_h$444> {
>>         @NativeLocation(
>>             file = "/usr/include/wlr/backend.h",
>>             line = 23,
>>             column = 20
>>         )
>>         @NativeGetter("destroy")
>>         wl_signal destroy$get();
>>         @NativeSetter("destroy")
>>         void destroy$set(wl_signal var1);
>>         @NativeAddressof("destroy")
>>         Pointer<wl_signal> destroy$ptr();
>>         @NativeLocation(
>>             file = "/usr/include/wlr/backend.h",
>>             line = 25,
>>             column = 20
>>         )
>>         @NativeGetter("new_input")
>>         wl_signal new_input$get();
>>         @NativeSetter("new_input")
>>         void new_input$set(wl_signal var1);
>>         @NativeAddressof("new_input")
>>         Pointer<wl_signal> new_input$ptr();
>>         @NativeLocation(
>>             file = "/usr/include/wlr/backend.h",
>>             line = 27,
>>             column = 20
>>         )
>>         @NativeGetter("new_output")
>>         wl_signal new_output$get();
>>         @NativeSetter("new_output")
>>         void new_output$set(wl_signal var1);
>>         @NativeAddressof("new_output")
>>         Pointer<wl_signal> new_output$ptr();
>>     }
>> ```
>> and it cannot be instantiated. The ```val l2 = 
>> Libraries.bind(MethodHandles.lookup(), classOf[wlroots.backend])``` 
>> trick that worked yesterday doesn't work for this either so I'm kinda 
>> roadblocked.
>> Mark
>> On 2/16/19 4:31 PM, Jorn Vernee wrote:
>>> Hi Mark,
>>> An API for getting a null callback is currently in the process of 
>>> being added [1].
>>> In the meantime, there is a way to work around this, but it's tricky 
>>> since there doesn't seem to be a public API for parsing a Function 
>>> descriptor, or a public API to easily get a layout for a 
>>> NativeCallback class (will make a note of that as well). AFAICT it 
>>> currently requires manually constructing the Function descriptor for 
>>> the callback. But, you should be able to use something like this:
>>> ```
>>>     @NativeCallback("()v")
>>>     public interface FI1 {
>>>         void run();
>>>     }
>>>     public static <T> T pointerLiteral(LayoutType<T> type, long 
>>> value) {
>>>         try(Scope scope = Scope.newNativeScope()) {
>>>             Pointer<Long> ptr = scope.allocate(NativeTypes.UINT64);
>>>             ptr.set(value);
>>>             return ptr.cast(NativeTypes.VOID).cast(type).get();
>>>         }
>>>     }
>>>     public static void main(String[] args) {
>>>         Function f = Function.ofVoid(false, NativeTypes.VOID.layout());
>>>         Address a = Address.ofFunction(64, f);
>>>         Callback<FI1> nullCB = 
>>> pointerLiteral(LayoutType.ofFunction(a, FI1.class), 0);
>>>         System.out.println(nullCB.entryPoint().isNull()); // prints 
>>> 'true'
>>>     }
>>> ```
>>> Hope that helps,
>>> Jorn
>>> [1] : 
>>> Mark Hammons schreef op 2019-02-16 15:53:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I'm back with a new wayland problem. More specifically, my problem is
>>>> with a helper library called wlroots. One of its functions,
>>>> wlr_backend_autocreate takes a function pointer as an argument. The
>>>> big problem here is that jextract represents this as a Callback<Fi1>,
>>>> and part of the valid input for this parameter is the null pointer. So
>>>> the question is, how do I create a null callback? Can it even be done
>>>> with foreign as it's currently made?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Mark Hammons

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