[foreign] JBS ticket dashboard

Jorn Vernee jbvernee at xs4all.nl
Tue Feb 26 22:02:14 UTC 2019


I've gone through the JBS tickets related to project Panama and 
closed/resolved some of the ones that already had patches pushed for 
them, but were still status Open or New. I think I've gotten most if not 
all of them.

I've also created the following issue dashboard: 

I've arranged the issues in 2 blocks, the first one for tickets labeled 
with 'foreign' and the other block for tickets without that label, or no 
label at all (since most tickets relate to the foreign branch). I hope 
this will help to provide an overview of the currently active tickets. 
(There was a similar JDK 10 dashboard a while ago that I really 
appreciated, so I thought I'd try to create something similar :) )

The dashboard and used issue filters are public to view. If you would 
like to be added as an editor for the board or the filters please 
message me with your OpenJDK username.


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