[foreign-memaccess/abi] where do unsafe operations live

Jorn Vernee jorn.vernee at oracle.com
Tue Oct 22 11:49:22 UTC 2019

This sounds like a decent idea, but I'm wondering if having the class be 
named ForeignUnsafe isn't already enough of a deterrent? The barrier of 
having a single `requires` in a module-info file doesn't seem much 
higher? I think if we just take away the need for --add-exports, then 
the barrier is already pretty low, and we need to make sure users 
understand if they are interacting with a safe or unsafe API. Maybe we 
could do something with an @UnsafeAPI annotation here (which IDEs/javac 
could warn about)? Or some javadoc note like "This api is _unsafe_. It's 
use could result in putting the VM in an invalid state, leading possibly 
to VM crashes".

Also, it seems a given that calling native code is unsafe. After all, 
anything can happen in native code. So, would all of SystemABI be in the 
unsafe module as well? I think it would be more descriptive to have a 
separate jdk.incubator.foreign.abi module in that case, which is 
documented to contain unsafe APIs. Basically, I'm wondering if there 
exists a more useful/descriptive classification than just "safe" <-> 
"unsafe" for that particular case.


On 18/10/2019 19:44, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
> Hi,
> As I was using foreign-memaccess and foreign-abi in anger, it occurred 
> to me that the current layout of the incubating module is a bit 
> limiting in case the user wants to perform some unsafe operations.
> Right now, unsafe operations are defined in the class 'ForeignUnsafe' 
> which lives in the (non-exported) jdk.incubating.foreign.unsafe package.
> Since the package is not exported, users that want to access unsafe 
> stuff need to add a manual --add-exports option.
> This is fine, and, in fact, it was intended to have something that 
> required an explicit opt-in, given that these are unsafe operations.
> That said, let's look at the situation from the perspective of a 
> library writer: if I write a Java bindings, it is very likely that I 
> might want to create MemoryAddress from longs, and the likes. But if I 
> do that, I need to break into the jdk.incubating.foreign module, and 
> _require that all my clients do the same_!
> I think this is excessively punitive. It's a good idea to have a sharp 
> separation between "safe" and "unsafe" parts of the API - and it is 
> also good if the "unsafe" parts of the API live in modules that are 
> non-resolvable by default (e.g. you need to "require" them explicitly, 
> or they won't be available).
> But if somebody is packaging a library in a module, it is kind of sad 
> that there's no way for the library writer to depend on the 'unsafe' 
> module, if he so wishes (and free the library clients from having to 
> make this explicitly).
> All things considered, I think that a better structure would be to 
> have _two_ modules:
> * jdk.incubating.foreign - usual, safe portion of the API
> * jdk.incubating.foreign.unsafe - unsafe portion of the foreign API 
> (requires jdk.incubating.foreign)
> This way, a library developer can just say "requires 
> jdk.incubating.foreign.unsafe" and be done. The library clients will 
> have to do nothing, assuming their module path is set up correctly.
> Thoughts?
> Maurizio

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