IllegalStateException when attempting to transfer MemorySegment thread ownership

Ty Young youngty1997 at
Mon Jul 20 07:59:40 UTC 2020

When attempting to transfer thread ownership of a MappedMemorySegment, 
an IllegalStateException is thrown:

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Attempted access outside owning thread

with the following code:

MappedMemorySegment segment;

System.out.println("Owner: " + this.address.segment().ownerThread());
System.out.println("Current: " + Thread.currentThread());

     segment = (MappedMemorySegment)this.getAddress().segment();

     segment = 

This error happens when closing my JavaFX application via its close 
handler on the above else branch. The application calls a static method 
which eventually creates the MappedMemorySegment on the main thread but 
the close handler works on the JavaFX thread as shown from the print output:

Owner: Thread[main,5,main]
Current: Thread[JavaFX Application Thread,5,main]

I tried using unsafe MemorySegment.ofNativeRestricted to make the 
segment thread independent, but it doesn't work out due to 
MemorySegment.ofNativeRestricted always returning a pure 
MemorySegmentImpl implementation instead of the 
**Mapped**MemorySegmentImpl. I'm guessing this is a bug?

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