Associated MemoryAddress API

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at
Tue Mar 3 18:46:19 UTC 2020

On 03/03/2020 18:05, Ty Young wrote:
> Hi,
> In more OO type memory allocation situations where allocated memory 
> *technically* belongs to another object located in memory, it'd be 
> useful to have an API so that you can associate a MemoryAddress which 
> contains an int pointer to some larger object(struct, for example but 
> could be anything). This would be different than AllocationScope as 
> you don't know how much memory in the end you'll need but you still 
> know it belongs to another MemoryAddress.
How is this use case different from slicing an existing memory segment? 
E.g. you can have a memory segment for a big heap array - and then you 
can create a slice segment view of that big segment - does that address 
the use case you mentioned here?


> Could this be done?

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