Experiments with C ABI calls

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com
Tue Feb 16 13:18:55 UTC 2021

No, this is not expected.

If the native method handle is executed enough times, intrinsification
should kick in and you should get a direct native call (essentially).

The fact that you're seeing ProgrammableInvoker suggests that
intrinsification has not kicked in.

Which platform are you on? What is the native call you are trying?


On Tue, 2021-02-16 at 13:15 +0000, Andrew Haley wrote:
> I'm trying out the current incubator in JDK head, and playing
> with C ABI calls. It works, but it's really horribly slow, going
> via ProgrammableInvoker.invokeMoves and
> ProgrammableInvoker.invokeNative
> rather than generating optimized code to do direct calls.
> Is this expected with the current version, or have I hit a bug? I'm
> only using scalar types in my function call.
> Thanks,

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