[OpenJDK 2D-Dev] RFR(L): 8024854: Basic changes and files to build the class library on AIX

Iris Clark iris.clark at oracle.com
Thu Sep 19 22:59:53 PDT 2013

Hi, Volker.

Just wanted to say that in addition to preparing for JavaOne (next week!), we're also busy fixing bugs in anticipation of JDK 8 ZBB milestone on 24 Oct [1].


[1]: http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jdk8/milestones

-----Original Message-----
From: Phil Race 
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2013 3:23 PM
To: Volker Simonis
Cc: serviceability-dev at openjdk.java.net; 2d-dev at openjdk.java.net; ppc-aix-port-dev at openjdk.java.net; Java Core Libs; awt-dev at openjdk.java.net
Subject: Re: [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] RFR(L): 8024854: Basic changes and files to build the class library on AIX


I've skimmed the client related changes - mostly based on the descriptions.
I'll look in more detail as soon as I can after JavaOne. We also have some engineers out on vacation who might want to look at these too.

A couple of things that stood out :
"On AIX, fontconfig is not a standard package supported by IBM."
I am surprised AIX does not support fontconfig.
That is something IBM should reconsider as its hard to imagine a modern Unix based system working without it ..

Very basic start for AIX -  feel free to complete ..
  169  */
  170 static char *fullAixFontPath[] = { ...

I'd really like to see it completed but these days that's largely a fall back for no fontconfig.

/* AIX does not provide the 'dladdr' function. But fortunately, we've
   42  * already implemented it in the HotSpot, because we need it there as
   43  * well (see hotspot/src/os/aix/vm/porting_aix.{hpp,cpp}).

Whilst this is in "ifdef AIX" this reliance on an exported hotspot function sounds hacky. What actual requirement is there that the AIX class libraries be so tightly-coupled with that VM?
There is no contract there.


On 9/16/2013 12:30 PM, Volker Simonis wrote:
> Resending this to more lists as requested by Alan Bateman with the 
> kind request to anybody to review the parts for which he feels
> responsible:)
> For those not up to date, this change is part of the ongoing 
> PowerPC/AIX Porting Project:
> http://openjdk.java.net/projects/ppc-aix-port
> https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/PPCAIXPort
> http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/175
> Please send reviews to all currently included recipients.
> Thank you and best regards,
> Volker
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: *Volker Simonis*
> Date: Monday, September 16, 2013
> Subject: RFR(L): 8024854: Basic changes and files to build the class 
> library on AIX
> To: "ppc-aix-port-dev at openjdk.java.net
> <mailto:ppc-aix-port-dev at openjdk.java.net>" 
> <ppc-aix-port-dev at openjdk.java.net
> <mailto:ppc-aix-port-dev at openjdk.java.net>>, Java Core Libs 
> <core-libs-dev at openjdk.java.net 
> <mailto:core-libs-dev at openjdk.java.net>>
>         Hi,
> could you please review the following webrev which contains the basic 
> changes and files needed in the 'jdk' repository in order to build the 
> OpenJDK on AIX:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~simonis/webrevs/8024854
> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Esimonis/webrevs/8024854>
> This change together with "8024265: Enable new build on AIX (jdk part) 
> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Esimonis/webrevs/8024265_jdk/>" allows 
> it to configure and completely build the staging repository on AIX 5.3 
> and 7.1 with the following command:
> configure --with-boot-jdk=<jdk-image> --with-jvm-variants=core 
> --with-jvm-interpreter=cpp --with-cups-include=/opt/freeware/include
> --x-includes=/opt/freeware/include
> Below you can find the changes and additions I've done, sorted by 
> file. Most of them are just additions which are only active during the 
> AIX build anyway or simple changes where AIX has been added to 
> conditions which already check for Linux and/or Solaris. The files 
> with the biggest changes which you're probably want to look on more 
> thoroughly are 'src/solaris/native/java/net/NetworkInterface.c' and 
> 'src/solaris/native/sun/nio/ch/Net.c' altough they shouldn't change 
> anything on the current OpenJDK platforms as well.
> Notice that there are still some files and some functionality missing 
> from the current change (notably NIO) but it still yields a running 
> JDK which can execute "HelloWorld" on the command line and as AWT 
> application. I've intentionally tried to keep this initial change as 
> simple as possible (with respect tot shared changes) in order to get 
> it reviewed as fast as possible. The missing parts can then be added 
> later on, grouped by logical topics, to simplify the review process.
> Thank you and best regards,
> Volker
>         src/share/bin/jli_util.h
>   * Define |JLI_Lseek| on AIX.
>         src/share/lib/security/java.security-aix
>   * Provide default |java.security-aix| for AIX.
>         src/share/native/sun/awt/medialib/mlib_sys.c
>   * |malloc| always returns 8-byte aligned pointers on AIX as well.
>         src/share/native/sun/awt/medialib/mlib_types.h
>   * Add AIX to the list of known platforms.
>         src/share/native/sun/font/layout/KernTable.cpp
>   * Rename the macro |DEBUG| to |DEBUG_KERN_TABLE| because |DEBUG| is
>     too common and may be defined in other headers as well as on the
>     command line and |xlc| bails out on macro redefinitions with a
>     different value.
>         src/share/native/sun/security/ec/impl/ecc_impl.h
>   * Define required types and macros on AIX.
>         src/solaris/back/exec_md.c
>   * AIX behaves like Linux in this case so check for it in the Linux
>     branch.
>         src/solaris/bin/java_md_solinux.c,
>         src/solaris/bin/java_md_solinux.h
>   * On AIX |LD_LIBRARY_PATH| is called |LIBPATH|
>   * Always use |LD_LIBRARY_PATH| macro instead of using the string
>     "|LD_LIBRARY_PATH|" directly to cope with different library path
>     names.
>   * Add |jre/lib/<arch>/jli| to the standard library search path on
>     AIX because the AIX linker doesn't support the |-rpath| option.
>   * Replace |#ifdef __linux__| by |#ifndef __solaris__| because in
>     this case, AIX behaves like Linux.
> src/solaris/classes/sun/awt/fontconfigs/aix.fontconfig.properties
>   * Provide basic |fontconfig.properties|for AIX.
>         src/solaris/classes/java/lang/UNIXProcess.java.aix,
>         src/solaris/classes/sun/tools/attach/AixAttachProvider.java,
>         src/solaris/classes/sun/tools/attach/AixVirtualMachine.java
>   * Provide AIX specific Java versions, mostly based on the
>     corresponding Linux versions.
>         src/solaris/demo/jvmti/hprof/hprof_md.c
>   * Add AIX support. AIX mostly behaves like Linux, with the one
>     exception that it has no |dladdr| functionality.
>   * Implement |dladdr| functionality for AIX.
>         src/solaris/native/com/sun/management/UnixOperatingSystem_md.c
>   * Adapt for AIX (i.e. use |libperfstat| on AIX to query OS memory).
>         src/solaris/native/common/jdk_util_md.h
>   * Add AIX definitions of the |ISNANF| and |ISNAND| macros.
>         src/solaris/native/java/io/io_util_md.c
>   * AIX behaves like Linux in this case so check for it in the Linux
>     branch.
>         src/solaris/native/java/net/NetworkInterface.c
>   * Add AIX support into the Linux branch because AIX mostly behaves
>     like AIX for IPv4.
>   * AIX needs a special function to enumerate IPv6 interfaces and to
>     query the MAC address.
>         src/solaris/native/java/net/PlainSocketImpl.c
>   * On AIX (like on Solaris) |setsockopt| will set errno to |EINVAL|
>     if the socket is closed. The default error message is then confusing.
>         src/solaris/native/java/net/linux_close.c,
>         src/share/native/java/net/net_util.c
>   * Also use the file and socket wrappers on AIX.
>   * Add initialization of some previously uninitialized data structures.
>   * On AIX we don't have |__attribute((constructor))| so we need to
>     initialize manually (from |JNI_OnLoad()| in
>     'src/share/native/java/net/net_util.c'
>         src/solaris/native/java/net/net_util_md.h
>   * AIX needs the same workaround for I/O cancellation like Linux and
>     MacOSX.
>         src/solaris/native/java/util/TimeZone_md.c
>   * Currently on AIX the only way to get the platform time zone is to
>     read it from the |TZ| environment variable.
>         src/solaris/native/sun/awt/awt_LoadLibrary.c
>   * There's no |dladdr| on AIX, but we can use the implementation from
>     the HotSpot in this case because |libjvm.so| will be always loaded
>     before the AWT.
>         src/solaris/native/sun/awt/fontpath.c
>   * Add AIX specific fontpath settings and library search paths for
>     |libfontconfig.so|.
>         src/solaris/native/sun/java2d/x11/X11SurfaceData.c
>   * Only define |MIN| and |MAX| if they're not already defined because
>     xlc on AIX fails on macro redefinitions.
>         src/solaris/native/sun/java2d/x11/XRBackendNative.c
>   * Handle AIX like Solaris.
>         src/solaris/native/sun/nio/ch/Net.c
>   * Add AIX-specific includes and constant definitions.
>   * On AIX "socket extensions for multicast source filters" support
>     depends on the OS version. Check for this and throw appropriate
>     exceptions if it requested but not supported. This is needed to
>     pass
> JCK-api/java_nio/channels/DatagramChannel/DatagramChannel.html#Multica
> st
>         src/solaris/native/sun/security/pkcs11/j2secmod_md.c
>   * Use |RTLD_LAZY| instead of |RTLD_NOLOAD| on AIX.
>         src/solaris/native/sun/tools/attach/AixVirtualMachine.c
>   * AIX version mostly derived from the corresponding Linux version.

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