request for review: 6436034: Instance filter doesn't filter event if it occurs in native method

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Tue Dec 14 02:23:29 PST 2010

Keith McGuigan wrote:
> Hello,
> This is the JDK-side of the fix for instance filters that uses the new 
> GetLocalInstance JVMTI function.
> Reviews appreciated, thanks!
> -- 
> - Keith
The update to jvmti.h looks good to me.

It's not clear to me that eventFilter.c needs to check the jvmti 
version. As this is jdk7 then the JDWP agent will be compiled against 
the updated jvmti.h and so the version check in Agent_OnLoad 
(debugInit.c) should mean that the agent will refuse to start if someone 
were to attempt to use with an older VM.


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