6927816 : Demo crash in heaptracker with Non-Sun JDK due to possible violation of JNI spec

Steve Poole SPOOLE at uk.ibm.com
Wed Dec 15 01:43:13 PST 2010

Thanks Alan -  and I've pulled down the changes too!.   I do like

So what happens next? and  what generally is  the process for getting this
change set into the main JDK 7 repo?


From:       Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at oracle.com>
To:         Steve Poole/UK/IBM at IBMGB
Cc:         serviceability-dev at openjdk.java.net
Date:       15/12/2010 09:32
Subject:    Re: 6927816 : Demo crash in heaptracker with Non-Sun JDK due to
            possible violation of JNI spec

Steve Poole wrote:
> Hi all - I attach a hg export file with a fix for 6927816 for JDK7.
Steve - I've pushed this to the tl/jdk repo:


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