request for review: 6436034: Instance filter doesn't filter event if it occurs in native method

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Wed Dec 15 01:44:34 PST 2010

Keith McGuigan wrote:
> :
> Yeah I missed that check too.  I'm very much in favor of being able to 
> use an older (or newer) JVM in the JDK7 image.  Triage is one 
> important reason but another is the non-synchronous putback schedules 
> of the jdk and hotspot workspaces.  There will be a period of QA time 
> when the JDK uses an older VM (or vice-versa) just because of the way 
> our process works.
> I think the jdk code should probe the JVMTI version and use whatever 
> is available.  I'm in favor of modifying the code in debugInit.c to 
> verify only 1.1 and then dynamically probe before using any 1.2 
> features (and so on in the future).
In the past I don't think we've done this. Instead we've usually just 
kept back the jdk changes until the hotspot changes made it into a 
promoted build.

One other thing is the regression test. The debugger tests are in 
jdk/test/com/sun/jdi and it is important to add a new test, or add to an 
existing test. If you are pushing the jdk changes before the VM changes 
have made it into a promoted build then I guess you'll need to hold off 
pushing the  test (or add it with the @ignore tag, removing it later via 
a different bugID).


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