Request for Review: 7132199: sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/ failing on all platforms

David Holmes david.holmes at
Mon Jan 30 16:23:06 PST 2012

On 31/01/2012 3:28 AM, Dmitry Samersoff wrote:
> On 2012-01-30 16:28, Staffan Larsen wrote:
>>> 2. If you decide to hardcode "/tmp" please, create a global constant
>>> for it.
>> I don't agree that this would make the code easier to read or maintain.
>> I should, however, include a comment saying that the file is always in
>> /tmp regardless of the value of

Staffan: I still think changing the static field tmpdir to refer to 
"/tmp" is cleaner then putting "/tmp" in all the use-sites.

> /tmp is common but not mandatory, especially if we speak about embedded
> systems.

Dmitry: The point is that the VM will always put the file in /tmp. 
That's wrong but the issue here is making the management Java code match 
the hotspot code.

>    Native code should use P_tmpdir constant from stdio.h rather than
> hardcode "/tmp".
> As we can't access it from java I recommend to create a global constant
> somewhere to reduce possible future porting efforts.
>> Changing the tmpdir static would be a smaller fix, but all the cwd code
>> would then remain. Yes, HotSpot never writes to cwd.
> I agree with Staffan, that looks for socket/door in cwd should be removed.

Ok, if it is never needed then remove it.


> -Dmitry

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