RFR - 6526682: JConsole shows negative CPU Usage

Erik Gahlin erik.gahlin at oracle.com
Sat Jun 1 01:06:14 PDT 2013

Nils, do you know why you get a negative number? 

As I remember it, the MBean returns -1 if the value is not available on the platform. I think there should be a message that tells the user that

Now it's just a matter of time before somebody files a bug that they got 0% instead of the CPU load they actually have on their machine. The negative value was at least a hint to the user that the value can't be trusted


On 31 maj 2013, at 13:59, Nils Loodin <nils.loodin at oracle.com> wrote:

> Simple fix to not show negative CPU usage in JConsole:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~nloodin/6526682/webrev.00/
> Regards,
> Nils Loodin

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