RFR: JDK-8058865 JMX Test Refactoring

Jaroslav Bachorik jaroslav.bachorik at oracle.com
Wed Dec 16 15:07:20 UTC 2015


On 15.12.2015 19:19, olivier.lagneau at oracle.com wrote:
> Hi,
> Please review the following changes for task "JDK-8058865 : JMX Test
> Refactoring"
> Issue: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8058865
> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~olagneau/8058865/webrev.06/
> Issue Description:
> " The majority of the JMX related tests are in JTreg. There is a small
> bunch of functional tests
>   which are written for DTonga and executed separately for promoted builds.
>   They are a mix of functional, stress and integration tests.
>   They should be ported over the JVM testbase or a stresstest harness."
> An analysis of the various tests in the JMX Tonga test suite has been
> done first.
> The outcome has been a list of functional tests that were relevant for a
> port to
> Jtreg environment (tests uncovered by current jdk unit tests).
> Some of the tests (MonitorThread tests) have shown to be unstable under
> stressed
> running context like can be happening with nightly test runs. They will
> have to
> be redesigned trying to eliminate the intermittent failure under
> stressed context,
> and thus are not part of this port.
> The list of ported tests is the following, all under
> jdk/test/javax/management:
> - MBeanServer/ExceptionTest.java
> - mxbean/MXBeanExceptionHandlingTest.java
> - mxbean/MXBeanInteropTest1.java
> - mxbean/MXBeanInteropTest2.java
> - mxbean/MXBeanLoadingTest1.java
> - mxbean/MXBeanNotifTest.java
> - mxbean/MXBeanWeirdParamTest.java
> - query/SupportedQueryTypesTest.java
> - security/AuthorizationTest.java
> - security/SecurityTest.java
> This makes it an additional set of ~50 tests, using some utility
> classes, config
> and security files, making a total of 46 new files.
> This is a refactoring of test for jtreg running environment, not a redesign.
> The tests have been modified to be able to run in this environment.
> Some of them (MXBeanWeirdParamTest,
> AuthorizationTest.java,SecurityTest.java)
> need to be run in a distributed context. They run on a single machine with
> 2 separate processes: a parent one (running the "mbean" server part) which
> runs a subprocess process playing the role of the client.
> An internal review has been done first before this open review. That is the
> reason for this review number of the webrev (webrev.06).
> Tests have been checked on jprt with both product and fastdebug builds, and
> also checked running under stressed conditions. The total run time is
> between
> 5 and 10 minutes.
> Thanks for any feedback,

Thumbs up from me!


> Olivier Lagneau

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