RFR : JDK-8141591 - javax/management/remote/mandatory/threads/ExecutorTest.java fails intermittently

Harsha Wardhana B harsha.wardhana.b at oracle.com
Tue Nov 15 08:46:22 UTC 2016


Please review below webrev incorporating Daniel's comments.



On Monday 14 November 2016 04:14 PM, Daniel Fuchs wrote:
> On 14/11/16 06:57, Harsha Wardhana B wrote:
>>>> Well, that will not cover the case where user shuts down executor but
>>>> keeps the client/server alive. So we will need a executor that can 
>>>> keep
>>>> notif system running as well as do clean-up if client/server is 
>>>> closed.
>>> It's OK to continue in order to do clean up and
>>> shutdown gracefully. It seems wrong to keep going afterwards
>>> as if nothing had happened though (in the case the
>>> user shuts the supplied executor down).
>> With current changes, we do continue to carry on with linear executor.
>> If the user wants to shutdown the system, he can always do it by
>> shutting down client and server along with executor. If he shuts down
>> executor but not client/server, it may be safe to assume that he wants
>> the system to be up and running. It may not be appropriate to assume
>> user wants to shutdown notif system just because he shutdown executor.
> Well, it may also not be appropriate to invoke a user provided callback
> on another executor than the one provided by the user.
> If the user provides an executor, we must assume he has good
> reasons to do so.
> I'm not hard set to opposing to what you propose, but it makes me
> feel uncomfortable.
> best regards,
> -- daniel

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