RFR: 8256811: Delayed/missed jdwp class unloading events [v9]

Chris Plummer cjplummer at openjdk.org
Fri Jul 1 06:56:46 UTC 2022

On Thu, 30 Jun 2022 14:54:47 GMT, Zhengyu Gu <zgu at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> I just noticed the test is being added to a newly created hotspot/jtreg/serviciability/jdi directory. It should be placed in one of the existing jdi test locations, either nsk/jdi or jdk/com/sun/jdi. I think the latter would be better and it can leverage TestScaffold.
>> Another reason to use TestScaffold is that it will automatically add any specified VM options to the debuggee:
>>         String vmOpts = System.getProperty("test.vm.opts");
>>         System.out.println("vmOpts: '" + vmOpts + "'");
>> This way when we do our testing with various GC configurations, it should end up testing the debuggee with each GC configuration also. Same goes with other VM options that get tested like -Xcomp.
>> I just noticed the test is being added to a newly created hotspot/jtreg/serviciability/jdi directory. It should be placed in one of the existing jdi test locations, either nsk/jdi or jdk/com/sun/jdi. I think the latter would be better and it can leverage TestScaffold.
>> Another reason to use TestScaffold is that it will automatically add any specified VM options to the debuggee:
>> ```
>>         String vmOpts = System.getProperty("test.vm.opts");
>>         System.out.println("vmOpts: '" + vmOpts + "'");
>> ```
>> This way when we do our testing with various GC configurations, it should end up testing the debuggee with each GC configuration also. Same goes with other VM options that get tested like -Xcomp.
> Moved new test to jdk/com/sun/jdi.

@zhengyu123 I uploaded a patch to the test. It now tests EventSets with two ClassUnloadEvents. See http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~cjplummer/8256811/. It still needs some cleaning up, but look it over first and let me know what you think.

One issue is you have a big try block around the event handling code that is catching and not rethrowing exceptions. I'm not sure why that is needed. It is preventing exceptions for some new checks I added from propagating.

The change I made was two split the class names into two groups. The first has the class name prefix you setup, and the second has the same prefixe, but with __ALT added to it. Half of the classes are created with the regular prefix and half with the ALT prefix. The ClassUnloadRequest you setup should match all the unloaded classes, but the 2nd ClassUnloadRequest I setup should only match the __ALT classes. That means the EventSet for a ClassUnloadEvent WITH the ALT name should contain two ClassUnloadEvents, one for each ClassUnloadRequest, whereas the EventSet for a ClassUnloadEvent WITHOUT the ALT name should contain one ClassUnloadEvent since it won't match the ALT ClassUnloadRequest.

I added a println of the EventSet that should help you understand this a bit better. Here's an example:

Running debugger
EventSet: event set, policy:2, count:1 = {VMStartEvent in thread main}
EventSet: event set, policy:0, count:1 = {ClassUnloadEvent}
EventSet: event set, policy:0, count:2 = {ClassUnloadEvent, ClassUnloadEvent}
EventSet: event set, policy:0, count:2 = {ClassUnloadEvent, ClassUnloadEvent}
EventSet: event set, policy:0, count:1 = {ClassUnloadEvent}
EventSet: event set, policy:0, count:2 = {ClassUnloadEvent, ClassUnloadEvent}
EventSet: event set, policy:0, count:1 = {ClassUnloadEvent}
EventSet: event set, policy:0, count:2 = {ClassUnloadEvent, ClassUnloadEvent}
EventSet: event set, policy:0, count:1 = {ClassUnloadEvent}
EventSet: event set, policy:0, count:2 = {ClassUnloadEvent, ClassUnloadEvent}
EventSet: event set, policy:0, count:1 = {ClassUnloadEvent}
EventSet: event set, policy:0, count:1 = {VMDeathEvent}

So you can see how half of the EventSets ended up with two ClassUnloadEvents, one for each ClassUnloadRequest, and the other half only one ClassUnloadEvent.


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/9168

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