Email subject line formatting

David Holmes david.holmes at
Mon Aug 31 22:35:55 UTC 2020

Thanks Robin, that seems mostly okay to me.

One nit is that the "Integrated" mail will sort before the RFR mails 
when sorting by subject.


On 31/08/2020 9:56 pm, Robin Westberg wrote:
> Hi David,
>> On 28 Aug 2020, at 02:26, David Holmes <david.holmes at> wrote:
>> As the transition to git/skara is now imminent I wanted to re-raise this issue and find out exactly how the email processes will be setup for the mainline JDK project - ie what subject will be used in the various cases.
> I think that the current consensus from this thread is what’s currently active for example for changes here on the skara-dev mailing list. A summary of these subject annotations and the threading would be (hopefully the formatting will survive):
> RFR: 1234: Title				Initial RFR email from a PR
>    Re: RFR: 1234: Title			Comment
>      Re: RFR: 1234: Title			Another comment
>    Re: RFR: 1234: Title [v2]		A new version of the code (with incremental webrevs, etc)
>    Integrated: 1234: Title			Integration notice containing changeset details
>      Re: Integrated: 1234: Title		Further PR comment made after integration
> If a pull request is closed without integration, the final message will be prefixed with “Withdrawn” instead of “Integrated”. Similarly, if a PR has already been integrated by the time the first mail can be sent, it will be prefixed with “Integrated” instead of “RFR” from the beginning.
> Best regards,
> Robin
>> Thanks,
>> David
>> On 7/04/2020 9:21 am, David Holmes wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> Erik asked me to raise this here to see if anyone else is bothered by this ...
>>> When an integration email is sent the subject line of the RFR thread is augmented with [integrated] and also adorned with "Re:" as if a reply to the RFR thread e.g.
>>> Re: [Integrated] [foreign-abi] RFR: Revert "JDK-8242127: reorganize ABI-dependent layout constants"
>>> My objection to this is that once the subject has been augmented with [Integrated] it is not appropriate to treat that as a "reply" and use the "Re:". If I see:
>>> [Integrated] [foreign-abi] RFR: Revert "JDK-8242127: reorganize ABI-dependent layout constants"
>>> I know its a changeset notification email and I can ignore it. Just as I can ignore:
>>> git: openjdk/panama-foreign: foreign-jextract: 2 new changesets
>>> or
>>> hg: jdk/jdk: 8242217: Shenandoah: Enable GC mode to be diagnostic/experimental and have a name
>>> but when I see the "Re:" I think "oh someone is commenting on that push, there must be an issue and I should read the email" - which is the case with current hg notification emails!
>>> This would be less of an issue if the sender of the integration email was a bot account but it isn't, it is the committer.
>>> So I'd like to suggest that the "Re:" be dropped from the subject line of these automatically generated integration emails.
>>> Cheers,
>>> David

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