[Integrated] RFR: 391: Abort merge if source branch merge isn't fast-forward

Robin Westberg rwestberg at openjdk.java.net
Tue May 12 07:32:20 UTC 2020

On Mon, 11 May 2020 13:37:23 GMT, Robin Westberg <rwestberg at openjdk.org> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Please review this change that ensures that the merge bot's local storage has been cleanly updated with the latest
> destination changes (through a fast-forward merge). Otherwise, it's possible for an error to be detected when doing the
> actual merge, even though it should succeed.  Best regards,
> Robin

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: ec124944
Author:    Robin Westberg <rwestberg at openjdk.org>
URL:       https://git.openjdk.java.net/skara/commit/ec124944
Stats:     92 lines in 2 files changed: 8 ins; 81 del; 3 mod

391: Abort merge if source branch merge isn't fast-forward

Reviewed-by: jvernee


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/skara/pull/622

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