<Sound Dev> status of AudioSynthesizer in JDK 9

Sergey Bylokhov Sergey.Bylokhov at oracle.com
Tue Nov 29 16:19:58 UTC 2016

On 15.11.16 23:10, Alan Snyder wrote:
> What is the plan for the AudioSynthesizer interface in JDK 9?

This interface will not be opened in the jdk9 because it is to late. I 
suggest you to create a request in JBS to open this part of functionality.
As a workaround you can use the Gervill - Software Synthesizer.

> I use it for two purposes:
> One is to configure the synthesizer using the open(SourceDataLine, Map) method.
> The other is to generate audio files using the openStream(AudioFormat, Map) method.

Best regards, Sergey.

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