<Sound Dev> [10] Review Request: 8178403 DirectAudio in JavaSound may hang and leak

Phil Race philip.race at oracle.com
Wed Jul 5 19:49:59 UTC 2017

ok. +1


On 07/05/2017 11:06 AM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
>> thread is assigned on creation and we are checking it in run() so
>> (thread == curThread) seems like it must be true until somehow
>> implClose() is called :
>> So why not just check if (thread == null) instead ?
> This is because we assign the "thread" in the open() method, not in the constructor. If the user will call open->close->open, then two threads will be created (the first thread should be stopped after the close() was called).
>> And when can oldThread will be null ? If someone called stop twice ?
> If open() was not called.
>> And why is there no thread = null assignment in implClose() ?
> It is there:
> 1300        Thread oldThread = thread;
> 1301        thread = null;
>> Shouldn't you update the test to add this new bug id ?
> Yes, it should:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~serb/8178403/webrev.01

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