<Swing Dev> [9] Review request for 8132791 No access to SynthContext.getContext()

Alexander Scherbatiy alexandr.scherbatiy at oracle.com
Thu Apr 14 11:17:03 UTC 2016

On 13/04/16 23:44, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
> On 13.04.16 22:14, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:
>>    The tests immediately fail with OOME using -Xmx2m option, fail on the
>> same steps with 3 and 4 mb and pass with 5 mb.
> And there is no difference in SwingMark results before and after the fix?

   The tests with -Xmx5m options have the similar results too:


>> Thanks,
>> Alexandr.
>>> On 12.04.16 22:02, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> Could you review the fix:
>>>>    bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8132791
>>>>    webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~alexsch/8132791/webrev.00
>>>> SynthContext is an object with 4 fields which is used a lot by 
>>>> Synth L&F
>>>> for components painting. It has an internal API which allows to put
>>>> unused objects to queue and reuse them later. Application developers
>>>> will not be able to have access to this API in JDK 9 with 
>>>> modularization
>>>> feature so they only be able to create new SyntContext objects. There
>>>> are ways that a SyntContext object created by a developer can be
>>>> disposed by Synth L&F and put to the unused object queue. This can 
>>>> lead
>>>> to a memory leak.
>>>> There are 2 options to fix the issue: provide a public API for the
>>>> SyntContext object custom disposing or just get rid of the unused 
>>>> object
>>>> queue.
>>>> Effective Java Guide has a suggestion: “avoiding object creation by
>>>> maintaining your own object pool is a bad idea unless the objects 
>>>> in the
>>>> pool are extremely heavyweight”
>>>> To check if there are memory or performance degradation for the second
>>>> solution I used SwingMark application which extensively creates and
>>>> paints a lot of Swing components like labels, menus and others.
>>>> The tests were run 5 times with using the object queue and without it.
>>>> There results can be found at:
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~alexsch/8132791/profiling/results_3-5
>>>> The minimum and maximum values from 5 runs are:
>>>> Tests which used an object queue:
>>>> used memory (in bytes)
>>>>    min: 3.75 million max: 3.78 million
>>>> heap size  (in bytes)
>>>>    min: 11.53 million max: 12.58 million
>>>> elapsed time (in milliseconds)
>>>>    min: 57.27 thousand max: 57.97 thousand
>>>> requests for SynthContext objects: 380 thousands
>>>> created objects: 21
>>>> Tests which did not use an object queue:
>>>> used memory (in bytes)
>>>>    min:  3.71 million max: 3.79 million
>>>> heap size   (in bytes)
>>>>    min: 11.53 million max: 12.58 million
>>>> elapsed time (in milliseconds)
>>>>    min: 57.90 thousand max: 57.97 thousand
>>>> requests for SynthContext objects: 380 thousands
>>>> created objects: 380 thousands
>>>> There were about 380 thousand request for SynthContext objects in both
>>>> tests but only 21 object were crated for the first ones.
>>>> However, the used memory size and running time are nearly the same for
>>>> both runs for these particular tests.
>>>> According to the test results it looks reasonable to remove the custom
>>>> object pool support from the SynthContext object.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Alexandr.

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