hg: valhalla/valhalla/langtools: Enhanced support for BytecodeMapping attribute

Brian Goetz brian.goetz at oracle.com
Fri Aug 8 22:06:45 UTC 2014

Generic methods are a separate beast, so we'll handle them separately.

On 8/8/2014 5:46 PM, Remi Forax wrote:
> On 08/08/2014 11:09 PM, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
>> On 08/08/14 21:49, Remi Forax wrote:
>>> Hi Maurizio,
>>> why invokestatic (and invokedynamic) are not supported ?
>> For now the implementation tags the invokeXYZ opcodes that could point
>> to 'stale' descriptors in the CP - i.e. method descriptors whose
>> 'owner' is bound to change after class specialization. Under this
>> assumption, I believe that calling a static method should not require
>> any mangling - i.e. class statics should probably continue to live in
>> the main unspecialized class (handwaving).
> even if it's a generics static method:
> class A<any T> {
>    T t;
>    void foo() {
>      bar(t);
>    }
>    static <any T> void bar(T t) {
>      ...
>    }
> }
>> A bit of the same holds for indy - the descriptor generated for an
>> indy does not have a direct correspondence with the source code - i.e.
>> it is a synthetic descriptor that is only used for the purpose of
>> describing the types of the dynamic arguments. It is possible that, if
>> we decide to implement specialized generic methods with indy, that
>> might change in the future.
> I don't think that javac can currently generate a code that use indy and
> need to be specialized but
> the descriptor of indy is verified by the verifier like any other
> descriptors so it's not something that comes from the vacuum.
> Currently, indy is used by lambda/method ref, if we one day support
> lambda with a generics signature or wunderbar '_' in method reference,
> both will require to be able to specialized indy.
>> Maurizio
> Rémi
>>> Rémi
>>> On 08/08/2014 06:20 PM, maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com wrote:
>>>> Changeset: 7904f37d7d98
>>>> Author:    mcimadamore
>>>> Date:      2014-08-08 17:16 +0100
>>>> URL:
>>>> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/valhalla/valhalla/langtools/rev/7904f37d7d98
>>>> Enhanced support for BytecodeMapping attribute
>>>> *) new opcodes supported:
>>>> putfield/getfield/invokespecial/invokevirtual/invokeinterface
>>>> *) Add test harness to check correctness of BytecodeMapping attributes
>>>> *) Add javap support for BytecodeMapping and TypeVariablesMap
>>>> *) Fix bug in SpecializeTypes where super symbol was not being
>>>> replaced correctly
>>>> *) Fix missing call to 'synthetizeIfMissing' in SymTab (for
>>>> VarHandle related classes)
>>>> ! src/share/classes/com/sun/tools/classfile/Attribute.java
>>>> +
>>>> src/share/classes/com/sun/tools/classfile/BytecodeMapping_attribute.java
>>>> ! src/share/classes/com/sun/tools/classfile/ClassWriter.java
>>>> +
>>>> src/share/classes/com/sun/tools/classfile/TypeVariablesMap_attribute.java
>>>> ! src/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/code/Symtab.java
>>>> ! src/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/comp/SpecializeTypes.java
>>>> ! src/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/jvm/Gen.java
>>>> ! src/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/jvm/Items.java
>>>> ! src/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javap/AttributeWriter.java
>>>> ! test/tools/javac/MethodParameters/AttributeVisitor.java
>>>> + test/tools/javac/valhalla/typespec/items/BytecodeMapping.java
>>>> + test/tools/javac/valhalla/typespec/items/BytecodeMappingHarness.java
>>>> + test/tools/javac/valhalla/typespec/items/Opcodes.java
>>>> + test/tools/javac/valhalla/typespec/items/tests/TestAnyMembers.java
>>>> +
>>>> test/tools/javac/valhalla/typespec/items/tests/TestArrayLoadAndStore.java
>>>> + test/tools/javac/valhalla/typespec/items/tests/TestCmp.java
>>>> + test/tools/javac/valhalla/typespec/items/tests/TestDup.java
>>>> + test/tools/javac/valhalla/typespec/items/tests/TestLoadAndStore.java
>>>> + test/tools/javac/valhalla/typespec/items/tests/TestPop.java
>>>> + test/tools/javac/valhalla/typespec/items/tests/TestSuper.java

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