[Nestmates] RFR (M): 8191115: [Nestmates] Expand testing for access control failures

David Holmes david.holmes at oracle.com
Mon Dec 11 03:00:33 UTC 2017

No comments, so pushing changes.


On 6/12/2017 4:09 PM, David Holmes wrote:
> bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8191115
> webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dholmes/8191115/webrev/
> Previously TestNestmateMembership triggered the various nest membership 
> and nest-host related exceptions, only in the context of method 
> invocation. This issue expands that coverage to:
> - constructors
> - fields (get and set)
> and in addition expands the tested mechanisms from direct bytecodes to 
> include reflection and MethodHandle use. Now we have complete coverage 
> of the code paths that can lead to a failing nest membership check - see 
> bug for details.
> The primary changes are in TestNestmateMembership.java, with some 
> additional changes in PackagedNestHost.java/PackagedNestHost2.java.
> The jcod changes simply reflect the updates to the original Java 
> versions of those classes and don't need to be examined in any detail 
> (the constant pools are much larger now).
> A few other tests have some minor commentary changes.
> BTW: these tests still follow the previous failure rules from the 
> nestmates spec updates, not the latest rules that Dan has posted. The 
> update to the new rules will occur shortly under JDK-8191114.
> Thanks,
> David

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