[OpenJDK 2D-Dev] Speed of drawPolyline on JDK11

Laurent Bourgès bourges.laurent at gmail.com
Thu Nov 22 08:40:41 UTC 2018

Hi sergey,

I proposed 2 small fixes for jdk12... still to be done, as better solutions
are not yet ready and I am completely overbusy on testing Java Sorting

Maybe I will give up fixing the native renderer, for these reasons:
- stdlib qsort implementation and performance (bentley qsort 93 or merge
sort on linux) is platform dependent, so it may take time to validate its
behaviour (small vs large arrays, not really random, closer to almost
sorted data)
- AA rendering is now the common case where the Marlin renderer is active &
fast enough.

Would you accept enabling antialiasing by default in jdk12 ?

Several users faced performance issues with the native renderer (hidpi,
complex shapes, clipping dashed shapes) where the Marlin renderer performs
far better.

Finally I can now focus on a trivial Marlin patch to tune its sort
algorithm selection...


Le jeu. 22 nov. 2018 à 00:04, Sergey Bylokhov <Sergey.Bylokhov at oracle.com>
a écrit :

> Hi, Laurent.
> I do not think that we should postpone it to the next version.
> Just send the changes when they are ready, if the review fails
> to take place at the right time, then the fix will be
> moved to the jdk13.
> On 20/11/2018 00:28, Laurent Bourgès wrote:
> > As OpenJDK12 RDP1 is coming soon, I propose this plan:
> > - integrate this basic fix in ShapeSpanIterator.c code to use stdlib
> sort (mergesort on linux)
> > - integrate a very simple patch in Marlin renderer to disable insertion
> sort for large arrays: 0.5s to 0.25s, few LOC
> > - postpone my changes to Marlin sort & Marlin nonAA renderer integration
> in OpenJDK 13
> >
> > Will you have time to review 2 small patchs on time ?
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