[OpenJDK 2D-Dev] Speed of drawPolyline on JDK11

Phil Race philip.race at oracle.com
Mon Nov 26 20:40:34 UTC 2018


On 11/22/18 12:40 AM, Laurent Bourgès wrote:
> Hi sergey,
> I proposed 2 small fixes for jdk12... still to be done, as better 
> solutions are not yet ready and I am completely overbusy on testing 
> Java Sorting algorithms.
> Maybe I will give up fixing the native renderer, for these reasons:
> - stdlib qsort implementation and performance (bentley qsort 93 or 
> merge sort on linux) is platform dependent, so it may take time to 
> validate its behaviour (small vs large arrays, not really random, 
> closer to almost sorted data)

I don't think we should use anyC++  stdlib:: code here if that is what 
you mean.

Any small improvements we can make by having a better sort in our 
sources would
be better.
If they aren't ready for 12, no problem. 13 is around the corner ..

> - AA rendering is now the common case where the Marlin renderer is 
> active & fast enough.
> Would you accept enabling antialiasing by default in jdk12 ?

That is a big change and I do not think we should do it.


> Several users faced performance issues with the native renderer 
> (hidpi, complex shapes, clipping dashed shapes) where the Marlin 
> renderer performs far better.
> Finally I can now focus on a trivial Marlin patch to tune its sort 
> algorithm selection...
> Cheers,
> Laurent
> Le jeu. 22 nov. 2018 à 00:04, Sergey Bylokhov 
> <Sergey.Bylokhov at oracle.com <mailto:Sergey.Bylokhov at oracle.com>> a écrit :
>     Hi, Laurent.
>     I do not think that we should postpone it to the next version.
>     Just send the changes when they are ready, if the review fails
>     to take place at the right time, then the fix will be
>     moved to the jdk13.
>     On 20/11/2018 00:28, Laurent Bourgès wrote:
>     > As OpenJDK12 RDP1 is coming soon, I propose this plan:
>     > - integrate this basic fix in ShapeSpanIterator.c code to use
>     stdlib sort (mergesort on linux)
>     > - integrate a very simple patch in Marlin renderer to disable
>     insertion sort for large arrays: 0.5s to 0.25s, few LOC
>     > - postpone my changes to Marlin sort & Marlin nonAA renderer
>     integration in OpenJDK 13
>     >
>     > Will you have time to review 2 small patchs on time ?

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