[aarch64-port-dev ] Errors in aarch64 C1 caught by the Mauve test suite

Edward Nevill edward.nevill at linaro.org
Tue Jul 30 06:18:06 PDT 2013

Hi Andy,

Thanks for this. This seems to work for me now.

Andrew Haley: The problem with the "No test were run" is due to the absence of eclipse-ecj.jar in /usr/share/java on the filesystem you are using with the foundation model. The solution is either to install eclipse-ecj.jar in /usr/share/java (you can just copy it from an x86 box - but be careful - it is a link to ecj.jar), or use the --with-ecj-jar=<myecj.jar>.

Andy does not see this problem because he is precompiling all the tests on x86 first.

All the best,

On Mon, 2013-07-29 at 14:32 -0400, Andy Johnson wrote:
> This is the way I set up the Mauve test runs:
> 1. Create a test directory on the build system (I use Linux-x86-64)
> 2. cd <test-directory>
> 3. export CVSROOT=:pserver:anoncvs at sourceware.org:/cvs/mauve
> 4. cvs login {password anoncvs}
> 5. cvs -z 9 co mauve
> 6. cd mauve
> 7. ./configure
> 8. make
>     Note: if "make" fails due to an autoconfig version error, change the
> version in the Makefile to match the version installed on your system.  I
> changed 1.10 to 1.11.
> 9. java Harness -vm <path to JVM under test> -showpasses java.lang.Integer
>     This should report 0 failures out of 31 tests run.
> 10. xvfb-run java Harness -vm <path to JVM under test> java
> 11. xvfb-run java Harness -vm <path to JVM under test> javax
>      These last two steps create the class files for the java and javax
> tests, so that they don't have to be compiled on the aarch64 target.  I do
> this because I am running on
>      the Foundation_v8 emulator.  Some errors will be reported.  You may
> wish to record these failures, so that you can ignore the same failures on
> aarch64.
> 12. Create a tar ball of the mauve directory.
> 13. Copy the tar ball to the aarch64 image.
>       I do this by mounting the linaro-image-lamp-genericarmv8.ext3 image
> as /media/usb and then copying the tar ball to /media/usb/home/root.
> 14. Launch the Foundation model running openembedded and linaro-image-lamp.
> 15. Unwind the mauve tarball.
> 16. cd mauve
> 17. Edit gnu/testlet/config.java to change the path to mauve. I change it
> to /home/root/mauve.
> 18. make {This re-builds the test harness so that the newly edited path is
> used}
> 19. java Harness -vm "<path to JVM under test> -Xcomp" -showpasses
> java.lang.Integer
>      This verifies that the test harness works on aarch64.
> 20. java Harness -vm "<path to JVM under test> -Xcomp" <any of the reported
> test failures> (e.g. java.util.LinkedList.AcuniaLinkedListTest)

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