Found a bug?

Angelos Bimpoudis angelos.bimpoudis at
Mon Jul 17 09:28:17 UTC 2023

Hey David,

I minimized and filed it here:

Thanks for the analysis, David!

From: amber-dev <amber-dev-retn at> on behalf of David Alayachew <davidalayachew at>
Sent: 15 July 2023 05:45
To: amber-dev <amber-dev at>
Subject: Re: Found a bug?

And if I replace that snippet with this, I get the expected and desirable compiler error "didn't cover all switch cases" (referring to the parent switch where that statement is actually true).

   public List<Symbol> stateTransitions(final InternalState internalState)

         switch (this)

            case C         -> ADD_SYMBOLS.apply(List.of(NUMBER, SUB_STATE_OPERATOR), List.of());
            case CE        -> ADD_SYMBOLS.apply(List.of(NUMBER, SUB_STATE_OPERATOR), List.of(C));
            case BACKSPACE -> switch (internalState)

                                 case InternalState(_, ConsEmpty(), _, _, _, _)  -> ADD_SYMBOLS.apply(List.of(NUMBER, SUB_STATE_OPERATOR), List.of(C, CE));
                                 case InternalState is                           -> ADD_SYMBOLS.apply(List.of(NUMBER, SUB_STATE_OPERATOR, SCREEN_OPERATOR), List.of());



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