
Remi Forax forax at
Thu Jan 17 17:47:02 UTC 2019

----- Mail original -----
> De: "Brian Goetz" <brian.goetz at>
> À: "amber-spec-experts" <amber-spec-experts at>
> Envoyé: Jeudi 17 Janvier 2019 17:26:06
> Objet: break-with

>> Being able to call this something like `break-with v` (or some other derived
>> keyword) would have made this all a lot simpler. (BTW, we can still do this,
>> since expression-switch is still in preview.)
> It seems we’re all in favor of break-with over unadorned “break”?
> Which feeds into the bigger question about promoting expression switch to final
> in 13.  I don’t think this syntactic change on its own merits re-previewing the
> feature; this is exactly the sort of “feature is finished, but we might change
> the paint color based on feedback” kind of thing that the preview mechanism was
> intended for.
> We don’t have to make this decision quite yet, but sometime between now and
> feature-freeze for 13 (June) we have to take one of the following actions:
> - File a JEP to make it a permanent feature, possibly with changes
> - File a JEP to re-preview it, possibly with changes
> - Withdraw the feature
> We can continue to gather feedback on the feature and revisit later.

Like last year, i (with José Paumar) will run a poll at Devoxx France (17th to 19th of April) on the expression switch,
i can ask if it should be included permanently, still in preview or withdrawn and post the result on this list.


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