[External] : Re: Reviewing feedback on patterns in switch

Brian Goetz brian.goetz at oracle.com
Wed Feb 16 14:57:39 UTC 2022

OK, I'll make you a deal: I'll answer your question about let/bind, 
under the condition that we not divert the discussion on that right now 
-- there'll be a proper writeup soon.  The answer here is entirely for 

If you don't agree, stop reading now :)

On 2/15/2022 5:58 PM, Remi Forax wrote:
>      - There are future constructs that may take patterns, and may (or
>     may not) want to express guard-like behavior, such as `let`
>     statements (e.g., let .. when .. else.)  Expressing guards here
>     with && is even less evocative of "guard condition" than it is
>     with switches.
> It's not clear to me how to use "let when else". Is it more like a ?: 
> in C than the let in in Caml ?

The simplest form of `let` is a statement that takes a total pattern:

     let Point(var x, var y) = aPoint;

and introduces bindings x and y into the remainder of the block. When 
applicable, this is better than a conditional context because (a) you 
get type checking for totality, and (b) you don't indent the rest of 
your method inside a test that you know will always succeed.

If the pattern is total but has some remainder, the construct must throw 
on the remainder, to preserve the invariant that when a `let` statement 
completes normally, all bindings are DA.

What if I want to use a partial pattern, and then customize either the 
throwing part or provide default values?   I can provide an else clause:

     Object o = ...
     let String s = o
     else throw new NotStringException();


     Object o = ...
     let String s = o
     else { s = "no string"; }

These are two ways to preserve the "DA on normal completion" invariant; 
either by not completing normally, or by ensuring the bindings are DA.

Now, we are in a situation where we are with switch: patterns do not 
express all possible conditions.  Which is why we introduced guards to 
switches.  And we can use the same trick here:

     Object o = ...
     let String s = o
     when (!s.isEmpty())
     else { s = "no string"; }

If we tried to use && here, it would look like

     Object o = ...
     let String s = o && (!s.isEmpty())
     else { s = "no string"; }

which has the same problem as `case false && false`.


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