[External] : Re: Reviewing feedback on patterns in switch
forax at univ-mlv.fr
forax at univ-mlv.fr
Wed Feb 16 16:18:06 UTC 2022
> From: "Brian Goetz" <brian.goetz at oracle.com>
> To: "Remi Forax" <forax at univ-mlv.fr>
> Cc: "amber-spec-experts" <amber-spec-experts at openjdk.java.net>
> Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2022 3:48:14 PM
> Subject: Re: [External] : Re: Reviewing feedback on patterns in switch
>> Not sure it's a no-brainer.
>> The question is more a question of consistency. There are two consistencies and
>> we have to choose one, either switch never allows null by default and users
>> have to opt-in with case null or we want patterns to behave the same way if
>> they are declared at top-level or if they are nested. I would say that the
>> semantics you propose is more like the current Java and the other semantics is
>> more like the Java of a future (if we choose the second option).
> You are right that any justification involving "for consistency" is mostly a
> self-justification. But here's where I think this is a cleaner decomposition.
> We define the semantics of the patterns in a vacuum; matching is a three-place
> predicate involving a static target type, a target expression, and a pattern.
> Null is not special here. (This is how we've done this all along.)
> Pattern contexts (instanceof, switch, and in the future, nested patterns,
> let/bind, catch, etc) on the other hand, may have pre-existing (and in some
> cases reasonable) opinions about null. What's new here is to fully separate the
> construct opinions about special values from the pattern semantics -- the
> construct makes its decision about the special values, before consulting the
> pattern.
> This lets instanceof treat null as valid but say "null is not an instance of
> anything", past-switch treats null as always an error, and future-switch treats
> null as a value you can opt into matching with the `null` label. (Yes, this is
> clunky; if we had non-nullable type patterns, we'd get there more directly.)
> But the part that I think is more or less obvious-in-hindsight is that the
> switch opinions are switches opinions, and the pattern opinions are pattern
> opinions, and there is a well-defined order in which those opinions are acted
> on -- the construct mediates between the target and the patterns. That is, we
> compose the result from the construct semantics and-then the pattern semantics.
I think it will be more clear when we will introduce patterns on local variable declaration because those will only allow some patterns but not all.
> None of this is really all that much about "how do people like it". But what I
> do think people will like is that they get a simple rule out of switches:
> "switches throw on null unless the letters n-u-l-l appear in the switch body".
> And a simple rule for instanceof: "instanceof never evaluates to true on null".
> And that these rules are *independent of patterns*. So switch and instanceof
> can be understood separately from patterns.
It's not about how people like it but how people rationalize it. You can say "switches throw on null unless the letters n-u-l-l appear in the switch body" or "switches throw on null unless a null-friendly pattern appear in the switch body and this is also true for nested patterns".
Both are valid approach.
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