JDK-8300786 - No longer require super() and this() to appear first in a constructor

Brian Goetz brian.goetz at oracle.com
Thu Feb 2 20:16:50 UTC 2023

My sense is that the spec got a little over-zealous calling the 
preamable of a constructor a "static context".  This was accurate prior 
to generics, but no longer accurate when class type variables are 
involved because constructors are instance "members".

The logical fix IMO is to sever the link to "static context" in 8.8.7.  
Currently it says:

> An explicit constructor invocation statement introduces a static 
> context (§8.1.3),
> which limits the use of constructs that refer to the current object. 
> Notably, the
> keywords this and super are prohibited in a static context (§15.8.3, 
> §15.11.2),
> as are unqualified references to instance variables, instance methods, 
> and type
> parameters of lexically enclosing declarations (§, §, 
> §15.12.3).

This can be amended to:

An explicit constructor invocation statement introduces an 
_pre-initialization context_, which limits the use of constructs that 
refer to the current object.  Notably, the keywords `this` and `super` 
are prohibited in a pre-initialization context, as are unqualified 
references to instance variables and instance methods of lexically 
enclosing declarations.

Then static context still means what it means, we are just being honest 
that the preamble of a constructor body is something different, and we 
spell out the restrictions of what that means directly in 8.8.7.

On 2/2/2023 3:09 PM, Archie Cobbs wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 31, 2023 at 2:45 PM Archie Cobbs <archie.cobbs at gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>     Obviously this change requires a JEP, and so we have this JEP
>     draft for review:
>     JDK-8300786 <https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8300786> - No
>     longer require super() and this() to appear first in a constructor
> Update on this JEP.
> Doing a little more research I discovered that since Java 8 the 
> compiler has not been following the spec as it applies to allowing 
> type parameters inside super() calls (bug filed as JDK-8301649 
> <https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8301649>).
> The spec says this is a "static context", so type parameters are in 
> theory not allowed. But the compiler allows it, and in fact it seems 
> the spec is being too restrictive.
> With the change in this JEP, this discrepancy will only get worse, 
> because the "static context" that's part of a constructor can now 
> include a lot more stuff.
> In this discussion on compiler-dev 
> <https://mail.openjdk.org/pipermail/compiler-dev/2023-February/021960.html> 
> it was generally agreed that the spec should probably be fixed as part 
> of this JEP.
> So I'm wondering about people's thoughts on this list - not only 
> whether to fix the spec, but also how exactly to do so, any other 
> suggestions, etc.
> I see two options:
>  1. Split "static context" in two:
>      1. The old "static context" gets renamed to "lexically static
>         context". References to anything non-static are disallowed -
>         same as now.
>      2. Define a new "referentially static context" which disallows
>         any references to 'this' (explicit or implicit) but allows
>         type parameters, etc.
>  2. Leave "static context" alone, but add an exception to how it
>     applies prior to super() so that it permits type parameters, etc.
> Or maybe there is another option... ?
> Thoughts?
> Thanks,
> -Archie
> -- 
> Archie L. Cobbs
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