[Audio-engine-dev] OpenJDK: Sound API Contribution

Florian Bomers javasound-dev at bome.com
Tue Aug 7 01:55:40 PDT 2007

Hi Alexander,

your enthusiasm is great! Java Sound needs people like you. I'm
currently "on hold" until Sun releases the Java Sound portion of
the source code (which was just announced to be rather soon).
Then I hope will be more momentum on this list as to how to proceed.

Tritonus and Sun's Java Sound are 2 different things. I have a
hunch that you're referring to Tritonus' TODO list?

Tritonus' ALSA support is not actively being worked on anymore,
because Sun's JDK ships with ALSA support on Linux. I am not
aware of any pressing issues in Sun's ALSA implementation.


PS: Alexander, please make sure to reply to the list, not only to me.

On 8/6/2007 8:36 PM, Alexander Schunk wrote:
> Hi,
> i just want to come back to my offer to help on development.
> As i mentioned earlier i would like to help on some of the ALSA features mentioned in the todo list. 
> Is there any information available on how these features should / will be implemented?
> Regards
> Alex
>  "Florian Bomers" <mailto:javasound-dev at bome.com> schrieb:
>> try
>> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/sound-dev/
>> I don't know where Java Sound development should start, but there
>> are a lot of areas that deserve attention. I wouldn't say that a
>> new audio engine is the most important right now. I have a long
>> list for new features, some of them are already implemented in
>> Tritonus (see footer). I am not aware of any pressing bugs in the
>> JDK, but there are shortcomings of the current implementation
>> that could be considered bugs. A middle layer for digital audio
>> handling, and a high level "player" (similar to applet.AudioClip)
>> would be great additions.
>> And one thing that's really harmful to Java is the bad state of
>> Java Sound on Mac. Getting a CoreAudio and CoreMIDI
>> implementation into the Mac JDK would be wonderful.
>> Regards,
>> Florian
>> On 8/5/2007 7:51 PM, Alexander Schunk wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> i could not found the archive mentioned for the sound-dev maling list however i am curious about your plans and contributions you may need.
>>> I have signed an SCA and am currently investigating into some Bug fixes of the 2D API.
>>> If you already got some ideas, plans, etc. i would love to know.  
>>> Regards
>>> Alex
>>> "Florian Bomers" <mailto:javasound-dev at bome.com> schrieb:
>>>> Hi Alexander,
>>>> you're mostly right, but I guess it's a good idea to read through
>>>> the (few) emails that have been exchanged so far on this mailing
>>>> list, and especially on mailto:sound-dev at openjdk.java.net .
>>>> We can need every volunteer, your help will be much appreciated.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Florian
>> -- 
>> Florian Bomers
>> Bome Software
>> -------------------------------------------------------
>> Music Software, Development Tools:  http://www.bome.com
>> Java Sound extensions, plugins: http://www.tritonus.org
>> The Java Sound Resources:    http://www.jsresources.org
>> -------------------------------------------------------
>> Please quote this email in your reply. Thanks!

Florian Bomers
Bome Software

Music Software, Development Tools:  http://www.bome.com
Java Sound extensions, plugins: http://www.tritonus.org
The Java Sound Resources:    http://www.jsresources.org
Please quote this email in your reply. Thanks!

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