[Audio-engine-dev] Audio Engine: Windows support

Florian Bomers javasound-dev at bome.com
Tue Aug 7 02:13:27 PDT 2007

Hi Alex,

it's clear that you're a newbie, and that's not a problem, Java
Sound development needs everybody! you got Mixer's and
AudioInputStream/AudioOutputStream a little mixed up... of course
all access to soundcards goes by way of the Mixer and DataLine

One very good approach to identify weak parts of the API is to
write (the audio portion) of a real application. jsresources.org
provides a wide array of full apps and small example programs
which you can examine and take as basis.

Another approach, currently, is to work on Tritonus and then
later on, transfer the new implementation to Sun's JDK when it's
opened. Tritonus is "owned" by Matthias Pfisterer and me, so it's
easier to get something into it and especially out to people.

I know people ask for FLAC support in Java Sound, that would be a
nice opportunity for a tritonus task. Or ID3 tag support, VBR
header, and (re)wind support for MP3 files. Or
AudioFormat.properties support for Wave, AU, and AIFF file
readers. GSM support for wave files. Such tasks can be easily
ported to Sun's JDK once it's open.

For other tasks, some knowledge in the respective field would be
useful - what's your programming experience with digital audio?
What about DSP?


On 8/6/2007 8:44 PM, Alexander Schunk wrote:
> Hi,
> just a question concerning the Windows support for the Audio Engine.
> As i have learned from the tritonus website ALSA is only available for
> Linux and there are some Windows plugins available.
> However, as a user of Java Sound API i personally dont feel
> comfortable with the use of AudioOutPutStream and the other streams
> to set up the Audio Engine.
> Is it possible to provide a more solid OOP Audio API for Windows
> that uses OS hardware functions like ALSA does on Linux?. 
> Regards
> Alex
> "Florian Bomers" <mailto:javasound-dev at bome.com> schrieb:
>> try
>> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/sound-dev/
>> I don't know where Java Sound development should start, but there
>> are a lot of areas that deserve attention. I wouldn't say that a
>> new audio engine is the most important right now. I have a long
>> list for new features, some of them are already implemented in
>> Tritonus (see footer). I am not aware of any pressing bugs in the
>> JDK, but there are shortcomings of the current implementation
>> that could be considered bugs. A middle layer for digital audio
>> handling, and a high level "player" (similar to applet.AudioClip)
>> would be great additions.
>> And one thing that's really harmful to Java is the bad state of
>> Java Sound on Mac. Getting a CoreAudio and CoreMIDI
>> implementation into the Mac JDK would be wonderful.
>> Regards,
>> Florian
>> On 8/5/2007 7:51 PM, Alexander Schunk wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> i could not found the archive mentioned for the sound-dev maling list however i am curious about your plans and contributions you may need.
>>> I have signed an SCA and am currently investigating into some Bug fixes of the 2D API.
>>> If you already got some ideas, plans, etc. i would love to know.  
>>> Regards
>>> Alex
>>> "Florian Bomers" <mailto:javasound-dev at bome.com> schrieb:
>>>> Hi Alexander,
>>>> you're mostly right, but I guess it's a good idea to read through
>>>> the (few) emails that have been exchanged so far on this mailing
>>>> list, and especially on mailto:sound-dev at openjdk.java.net .
>>>> We can need every volunteer, your help will be much appreciated.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Florian
>> -- 
>> Florian Bomers
>> Bome Software
>> -------------------------------------------------------
>> Music Software, Development Tools:  http://www.bome.com
>> Java Sound extensions, plugins: http://www.tritonus.org
>> The Java Sound Resources:    http://www.jsresources.org
>> -------------------------------------------------------
>> Please quote this email in your reply. Thanks!

Florian Bomers
Bome Software

Music Software, Development Tools:  http://www.bome.com
Java Sound extensions, plugins: http://www.tritonus.org
The Java Sound Resources:    http://www.jsresources.org
Please quote this email in your reply. Thanks!

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