<AWT Dev> Render Buffer memory usage question.

Dmitriy Likhten Dmitriy.Likhten at gfigroup.com
Mon Apr 25 12:44:40 PDT 2011

I've been looking around for knowledge on this, I figured the guys implementing might know a bit about it :) Hopefully you guys can help out.

Basically I have multiple JFrames with a single buffer strategies. I would like to know how I can determine how much memory would be required just to render the buffers for those frames in Windows XP/7. The setups will most likely have 2-6 monitors and window sizes can be anywhere from a small window, to a maximized, to stretched across 6 monitors. Given total desktop resolution, window sizes, window positions, etc, is there a good strategy I can use to approximate with maybe 70%+ fidelity how much ram will be needed to render the windows? I would like to keep the ram requirements to the bare minimum (flexible but the less the better) needed without hitting any sort of thrashing (if that is an issue).

Can anyone give any either formulas or rules of thumb when attempting to get the numbers? I've seen performance where strong references would be = max resolution under various cases, some where each window (some off screen) would take up max resolution size (6 monitors) etc. However this is all non-scientific memory profiling so I don't know if I have a correct understanding of when the buffers are set to what size.


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