<AWT Dev> Render Buffer memory usage question.
Dmitriy Likhten
Dmitriy.Likhten at gfigroup.com
Tue Apr 26 06:33:36 PDT 2011
Thanks for the response. Let me be a bit more clear:
I am using createbufferStrategy(1) to create single buffered windows (sorry for wording).
I have java2d nodraw set to true due to some problems we had with it that have not been addressed.
I need to know how much ram I can expect the buffers to take up as a function of the number of windows/size of windows/resolution/etc. (Win XP/Win 7 are primary usages of the application)
P.S. sorry for the conf. notice, automatically injected by my mail server.
-----Original Message-----
From: Artem Ananiev [mailto:artem.ananiev at oracle.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2011 6:23 AM
To: Dmitriy Likhten
Cc: 'awt-dev at openjdk.java.net'; 2d-dev at openjdk.java.net
Subject: Re: <AWT Dev> Render Buffer memory usage question.
On 4/25/2011 11:44 PM, Dmitriy Likhten wrote:
> I've been looking around for knowledge on this, I figured the guys
> implementing might know a bit about it J Hopefully you guys can help out.
> Basically I have multiple JFrames with a single buffer strategies. I
I don't quite get what is "multiple JFrames with a single buffer strategies". createBufferStrategy() API is per-Window, so if you have N windows, you also have N BufferStrategy instances.
> would like to know how I can determine how much memory would be
> required just to render the buffers for those frames in Windows XP/7.
> The setups will most likely have 2-6 monitors and window sizes can be
> anywhere from a small window, to a maximized, to stretched across 6
> monitors. Given total desktop resolution, window sizes, window
> positions, etc, is there a good strategy I can use to approximate with
> maybe 70%+ fidelity how much ram will be needed to render the windows?
> I would like to keep the ram requirements to the bare minimum
> (flexible but the less the better) needed without hitting any sort of thrashing (if that is an issue).
Why do you need this information? AWT/Swing apps don't have direct control over BufferStrategy: you can draw to it, but cannot control if it uses video memory, system memory, when it gets lost, etc.
Adding 2d-dev alias to CC as BufferStrategy class are mostly Java2D objects.
> Can anyone give any either formulas or rules of thumb when attempting
> to get the numbers? I've seen performance where strong references
> would be = max resolution under various cases, some where each window
> (some off
> screen) would take up max resolution size (6 monitors) etc. However
> this is all non-scientific memory profiling so I don't know if I have
> a correct understanding of when the buffers are set to what size.
> --Dmitriy
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