<AWT Dev> sun.awt.X11.XEvent is creating 600 MB of char[] for no good reason

Federico Tello Gentile federicotg at gmail.com
Mon Oct 24 09:59:31 PDT 2011

There it is.
I needed to disable white space ignoring in the diff tool.

So, once the CR is filed, what is the expected time frame for this
change to be released? Will it be in jdk8 only or in the next jdk7
maintenance release?

El lun, 24-10-2011 a las 17:22 +0400, Anthony Petrov escribió:
> Hi Federico,
> Please correct the code indentation - the lines which get wrapped into 
> an if(){} statement need to be moved 4 spaces to the right.
> Also, please add a space before each opening { that you're adding.
> Otherwise the fix looks good. Thank you! Once you post the final version 
> of the patch, I can file a CR for this issue and push the fix to the 
> repository.

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