<AWT Dev> Fwd: Found and solved a bug on Cursor Management on Windows platforms

Sergey Bylokhov Sergey.Bylokhov at oracle.com
Mon Apr 22 10:09:12 PDT 2013

I narrowed history of this file by early 1997, when winCursor was 
changed from IDC_UPARROW to "HAND_CURSOR". There are no comments why it 
was done.

On 22.04.2013 20:32, Morvan Le Mescam wrote:
> Last but not least question:
> Why did a Sun developper, one day : winCursor = TEXT("HAND_CURSOR");
> This seems so not consistent with other part of the code... So there 
> is probably a good reason. Perhaps the hand cursor was not existant on 
> Windows platform when this was done ?
> Regards
> Morvan

Best regards, Sergey.

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