<AWT Dev> [8u] Review request for 8157838 Personalized Windows Font Size is not taken into account in Java8u102

Alexandr Scherbatiy alexandr.scherbatiy at oracle.com
Mon May 30 11:22:21 UTC 2016

On 5/28/2016 2:20 AM, Phil Race wrote:

> -Phil.
>> On May 27, 2016, at 2:37 PM, Alexandr Scherbatiy<alexandr.scherbatiy at oracle.com>  wrote:
>>> On 5/28/2016 12:23 AM, Alexandr Scherbatiy wrote:
>>> The following article claims that DPI virtualization of not DPI–aware applications is available from Windows Vista:
>>> https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dn469266%28v=vs.85%29.aspx  
>>> I just tried to set dpiAware=false in the java.manifest file on my Windows 7 and the whole Java application was scaled.
>>> It looks like that for platforms from Windows Windows 8 and higher the fix JDK-8076545 can be reverted because the Windows OS can automatically scale an application.
>>       The fix JDK-8076545 needs to be reverted for Windows Vista and higher. In other case the Windows L&F font will be smaller in Java app because the fix scales it size down.
> It will be smaller ? But isn't that the bug - that it is too small ?
> Don't try to change the dpi aware property but provide before and after screenshots of at least win7 and win8.1 (not win 8) or later with 125% scaling.

   [1] - Windows 7 scale 125% before the JDK-8076545 fix (original large 
Windows font)
      Left window - Windows L&F, right window - Metal L&F
   [2] - Windows 8.1 scale 125 % before the JDK-8076545 fix
   [3] - Windows 7 scale 125% after the JDK-8076545 fix (large windows 
font is re-scaled to scale 100%)
   [4] - Windows 8.1 scale 125% after the JDK-8076545 fix
   [5] - screenshots with 150% scale on Windows 7 and 200% on Windows 8.1

   [5] http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~alexsch/8157838/screenshots

    There are following requirements for the Windows font scaling:
    Windows 7 and 8.1 scale: 125% - large Windows L&F font - required 
feature (JDK-8157838)
    Windows 10 scale 300% - huge Windows L&F font - incorrect behavior 


> - Phil
>>    Thanks,
>>    Alexandr.
>>> For Windows XP the fix JDK-8076545 needs to be reverted to take the personalized windows font into account.
>>> I run SwingSet2 on JDK 8u with the dpiAware=false option on Windows 7 with scale 150% and  Windows 8.1 with scale 200% and found nothing wrong with it.
>>> As I understand, the fix JDK-6829055 Update application manifests with new Windows 7 dpiAware section
>>> was just an improvement.
>>> Should I remove the dpiAware option from the java.manifiest file in the current fix as well?
>>>   Thanks,
>>>   Alexandr.
>>>> On 5/27/2016 9:32 PM, Phil Race wrote:
>>>> But my point is that on Windows 8.1 the "125%" font setting is no longer a font setting as such.
>>>> Either the *whole* app gets scaled, or *nothing* get scaled, so the user complaining about
>>>> this bug would not have seen his request honoured in the same way as is on Windows 7.
>>>> Or is setting dpiaware causing us to continue to get "XP Style" scaling as it is known.
>>>> Disabling that manifest entry and reverting to using API is something we should also be considering
>>>> but I don't know that this bug is the place to address that change which may cause more problems
>>>> as well as fix some ..
>>>> -phil.
>>>>> On 05/27/2016 11:14 AM, Alexandr Scherbatiy wrote:
>>>>>> On 5/27/2016 8:14 PM, Phil Race wrote:
>>>>>>  From what I read on the web Windows Vista, 7, and 8, Windows uses this setting to scale just
>>>>>> the fonts, but for 8.1 and 10 it is a whole application scale, so perhaps rather than just
>>>>>> revert the fix, you can make it OS version dependent ?
>>>>>   To allow the Windows OS scale a java application we need to revert the fix which sets dpiAvare=true in the java.manifest file. See JDK-8080153 Cannot disable DPI awareness.
>>>>>   Thanks,
>>>>>   Alexandr.
>>>>>> Surface Pro devices are not going to be running Vista or 7 .. and I expect most are running
>>>>>> Windows 8.1 or later by now.
>>>>>> Of course you will need to find a way to test this hypothesis : probably on a windows 10
>>>>>> desktop with 125% scaling to see what happens with the Win L&F.
>>>>>> -phil.
>>>>>>> On 05/27/2016 09:44 AM, Alexandr Scherbatiy wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>> Could you review the fix:
>>>>>>>   bug:https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8157838
>>>>>>>   webrev:http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~alexsch/8157838/webrev.00
>>>>>>>   This is the regression from the fix JDK-8076545 in the JDK 8u.
>>>>>>>   There was a request JDK-8152980 to backport the fix to JDK 8u because a text size is very big on Windows 10 with UI scaling set to 300% when the Windows L&F is used.
>>>>>>>   However, this leads to another issue that a personalized Windows font size is not taken into account in Swing app with Windows L&F on JDK 8u.
>>>>>>>   JDK 9 does not run into this issue because it contains support for HiDPI displays which reads the system DPI and scales a whole application with fonts according to system UI scale.
>>>>>>>   The proposed solution is just to revert back the initial JDK-8076545 fix for JDK 8u only.
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Alexandr.

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